Archangel Raphael – You Need to Participate in the Healing

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM THE ARCHANGEL RAFAEL!

Being here participating in the Ascension Journey is something that always brings joy to our hearts. Knowing that we can contribute in some way to this whole process, which allows you to vibrate higher and be ever closer to the Fifth Dimension. 

To be close to a Code of Light, to look at a Code of Light, is to absorb this Light. It’s knowing that there’s a very high-dimensional source of Light there. It’s not a simple Light. It’s not Light as you know it. Depending on the Being of Light, it’s a Light that comes from very far away, from very high dimensions. So this Light represents the strength of the being, it represents the love emanating from the being, and the result that being expects with that Code of Light.

My Code of Light, as you all know, will always be aimed at balance and healing. But there is no healing, as you claim to know. Healing in the Third Dimension is very difficult to achieve. Because you have to sublimate everything you experience and faithfully believe that you are capable of attracting healing. 

No, I won’t promise you that my Code of Light will cure diseases. Because that wouldn’t be true. What I can promise you is that my Code of Light will bring balance to every body that connects to it. And balance is what produces miracles. 

A body in balance is a healthy body. There may even be something that doesn’t work properly, but balance makes everything work properly. In other words, illness itself doesn’t seem to exist. Because it is totally in balance. 

Where there is balance, there is no pain. Where there is balance, there is nothing going wrong. So that’s what I can promise: the balance of the bodies. And the more you connect to my Code, the greater the balance. Now, you have to keep something very important in mind: there has to be faith; there has to be trust in what you are doing.

It’s not simply a matter of looking at the Code…, “Oh, I’m going to look because I’m going to gain balance and I’m going to be fine”. No. You have to look at it, connect with it and be aware of what is being done there; be aware of what will be caused by it and how your body will absorb the energy emanating from it.

So have faith. Believe that the code is capable and that you are capable of coming into balance. As you often say: It’s a partnership. I give you a Code that brings balance, but you make the balance happen by believing in the code, by perceiving your bodies coming into balance. 

This is not difficult, as many people think. You just need to be in partnership with us. It’s not enough just to look and hope to receive. You will receive, but whether or not the Code acts will depend on the balance you produce. On the balance you produce. So that everything fits together and the problem is solved. 

Miracles do happen. They are real. But they happen when there is the total and profound participation of the person involved. It’s not the energy, it’s not the being that heals; you heal when you believe and when you are able to absorb everything that is passed on. 

Many find this difficult. Others find it impossible. So, in this way, you have already broken the whole process, because you no longer believe in it. The difficulty is posed by you. So, if it exists in your mind, nothing will work. Everything is very simple. All that’s needed is heart and surrender. Faith and awareness. And then you will see miracles happening. 

Everything is possible in the universe, but there has to be belief. You need to produce the element necessary for the miracle to happen, not us. Many people think that beings, saints, even people, make miracles happen. No, it’s each one of you, with your commitment and your faith. 

As we have always said: everyone chooses how to walk. Some choose to walk in the air, flying, not paying attention, not having a path because in the air, any point is a path. They are always airborne. They never have focus. There are those who are sometimes on the ground and sometimes flying. When they’re on the ground, they sometimes connect, when they’re not, they’re flying. And there are those who, at every step, are aware, plan and know what they want. Which of the three do you fit into? 

And I would say that only those who walk, in the here and now, always present, get what they need. The others will still have a long way to go. But I won’t discourage you. Keep trying. All you have to do is be present in everything you do. And you will see the difference. 

Believe me. You need to interfere in our every action. So that effectively, each half fits the other. And the process actually happens.

Translated by Luiz Santos

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