Being Solar – Dream a lot

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM ANIMANI, a Solar Being!

Bringing a Code of Light directly from the Sun of Alcyon is something that makes us very, very vibrant; even more vibrant than we already are. Bringing you all this energy, all this love, is something that can bring every being who comes into contact with our Code a lot of prosperity, a lot of abundance.

And when I talk about prosperity and abundance, I’m not just talking about financial energy. I’m talking about prosperity, everything. Good things happening, solutions appearing, enigmas being solved, answers being brought. This is prosperity.

Prosperity is not only linked to what is financial. Prosperity is linked to what is enlightened, to everything that arrives and brings Light with it. Everything that arrives and makes it grow, everything that arrives and makes it expand, everything that arrives and makes happiness sprout. Abundance is quantity, which in this case I can say is unlimited. It’s bringing a lot of everything. A lot of everything.

So when we talk about abundance and prosperity, don’t just think about the financial side of life. Think of everything that you can obtain within your lives, within your paths. Think in this way. And dream. Now is the time to dream. Now is the time to emanate what you want into the universe.

The Light is intense. Always think of something that is good for you and for the Whole. And the Light will make that dream happen. The only way it won’t happen is if it’s not in your path for some reason. Otherwise, it will come. And I’m telling you, it will come quickly, because the Light is intense, the Light is working very intensely.

Believe me, prosperity and abundance are available to everyone. You just need to open yourselves up to receive it. You always cling to the how: “But how will this happen? How will it come to me?” Don’t think about the how or the when. Just put out into the universe what you want.

And you can even add to the universe, “Let it be quick, see?” And the universe will rush to bring you what you’ve asked for. It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter when. What matters is that the dream can come true. Is it hard to try? I don’t think so. So try. Dream a lot. Tell the universe everything you want.

But never forget, don’t involve other people in your requests. The requests should always be for each of you. Your request may affect other people, and that’s fine. But the main thing to be taken care of, the character to be taken care of, is you, not others. Because when you involve others, you are invading their free will. Yes, even if they are good things. They’re not asking for it. You’re asking them. So it’s an invasion. Don’t do it.

Dream, dream a lot. Ask the universe. “Oh, but I can ask for things that I think are absurd”. Have common sense. Don’t play games with the universe. Don’t act like a rude child. Ask for what will actually be good for you. Don’t test the universe, because then you won’t get anything.

The universe feels your energy, it feels what you’re asking for. So ask from the heart. So that it makes your heart happy. And then you’ll see the results. They may not come, because there is something in your path that prevents them from coming. But it doesn’t hurt to try. What do you choose? To dream and perhaps be answered, or not to dream? 

Translated by Luiz Santos

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