Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM GABRIEL!
Bringing a Light Code to this Journey of Ascension is something that fills my heart with much Love and much Light.
My Code comes from the waters. I work with the waters. The human body is 70% water, so it is very easy for me to work with your bodies’ waters. Work in a way in which they stir a lot and bring to the surface all the uncleanness deposited at the bottom of your cells from so many eras, so many events, so many still energies.
So, this is what my Code will bring. It will bring your cells to boil so that they discard all that is no longer useful—all that was important one day but is no longer. Drink a lot of water during the time you will be visualizing my Code. And why?
As the process is to stir and bring up to the surface all that is unclean, you must drink a lot of water to take that uncleanness out of your bodies. Otherwise, you might have some minor problems: headaches, nausea, dizziness, because of the amount of loose energies in your bodies that should have come out and did not. Therefore, drink a lot of water.
Everything weighing and defiling deposited in your cells must be removed, my brothers. That is what I will do. My Light Code will bring out all that uncleanness. Do not be afraid. Just drink a lot of water—that is all. Some might see and dream about scenes they do not recognize. Do not get attached to them. Let them come and go because that uncleanness is from memories in your cells from past circumstances. Therefore, do not get attached to them. They need to go, and they will.
Everything went well. In the end, your bodies will be cleansed. Do not forget: drink a lot of water. It is important for all that uncleanness to come out of your bodies; and, as much as possible, try not to eat heavy foods. Be as natural as possible to help with this cleansing.