Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM HILARION!
I hope each of you is using the Green Light ball I left you last time. Do not think that all this is feeble or nonsense. Everything has a purpose; everything has a reason why. And everything we do has our energy; it is an energy of Light, a healing energy, a balancing energy. Rest assured that each of you needs help.
Because of the context in which you live, the food, the air you breathe, and the water you drink, everything contributes to imbalance. It is necessary that greater strength, stronger energy, with the power to restore the balance of the energy of your cells, acts on your bodies, bringing balance, bringing even healing.
Healing depends only on confidence, faith, and certainty. You have learned that being sick is your body’s normal state and that you only have to concentrate, be happy, understand, and accept that. However, that is not true. It is a truth created by your world, by those who want to keep you compliant with imbalance and sickness.
Each and every imbalance of your body derives from the mind and what you impose on yourselves to live, to survive, and be in this world. The rhythm of your life is not normal. It is a stressful rhythm: concerned, always looking at what needs to be done, and always acting to put out the fires, never really letting the Divine Presence say: “Do that today. That will be good, or that is necessary.”
Do not do more. You have to prove nothing, neither to yourselves nor anyone. On the contrary, when you try to prove you are strong, capable, and powerful, you get sick because the body cannot take it. Imbalance is the scream of the body. It is when the body says: “Stop! I cannot take it anymore.” Then, you get sick.
When I brought that green ball, it was so it could act on your body during the night, cleansing your cells and restoring their energy, trying at least to counterbalance everything bad you lived during the day so that on the following day, you are at least almost reset because reset you will never be, because you wake up in despair, concern, and planning. “What am I going to do today? What do I need to act on today? What do I need to correct today?” And so it goes all day long.
So, I would say to each of you: hit the brakes but hit them hard, in the same way you hit them on a vehicle, and it makes that noise of wheels gliding on the floor with sudden braking. Hit the brakes, but hit them hard. Stop. Do things, yes, but do them one at a time without thinking about the other ten you need to do.
That is not good. It does not bring any profit because you do not finish any of the tasks you begin. Because the mind does not let you; it wants you to act on every end, and none of the ends is ever closed, there will always be something left behind. Therefore, hit the brakes, but do it with strength, willingness, and determination.
“Today, I will do everything quietly, one thing at a time. I will be present in everything I do. It does not matter what I still have to do; I will do one thing at a time because that is how I am. I take care of one thing at a time.”
Repeat that to yourselves constantly.
“I am present in the task I am performing.” Repeat three times:
“I am present in the task I am performing.”
“I am present in the task I am performing.”
“I am present in the task I am performing.”
And you will see how this energy will embrace you, and you will really be there, performing a single task and forgetting about the others. Do that, and do not refrain from entering the ball before sleeping. At the moment, it is vital for your bodies to also organize in the structure shift.
Think; think a lot. The Fifth Dimension is right there. You will not want to ruin everything and miss the trip in the physical body, will you? So, take care of yourselves; look at yourselves. Stop for a little while. If possible, take a day off to do nothing. However, if you need to live that workday, live a task at a time. Live each present moment in that task, and you will see how much you will be able to really finish everything because you will be looking at each task with Love, with Light, and it will go away easily.
Try it, and be confident that we are capable of helping you.