Kuthumi – Creating Everything with Ease

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KUTHUMI!

Being here is always a source of great joy. And being able to bring words of Light and peace to hearts makes me very happy indeed.

Fill your hearts. Many people ask: “What’s it like to fill your heart with Light? How do you do that? I can’t do it. How do I do it?” We have tried to bring you many easy things, so that you can effectively put yourself in balance, in peace; as if the world outside didn’t exist.

So I’m going to try to explain to you what it’s like to fill your heart with Light. Every being in the Third Dimension is used to the material, the physical, to something that corresponds to what exists in the ethereal. Your great difficulty is exactly this: it’s imagining something, doing something, in which you don’t know the physical counterpoint; you don’t know it as something physical.

So it’s difficult for you. You always say you can’t because you’re afraid of what you’re going to imagine; you’re afraid of what you’re going to create because you are aware that everything that is created reverberates. And on this point, I even agree with you.

But, my brothers, when we talk about creating a heart, filling it with Light, is it so difficult for you to make this image? It is a heart. The etheric heart or the imaginary heart has the same shape as the heart you know. It’s inside your chest. So, to fill the heart with Light is to look inside your own physical body, see where the heart is, and fill it with Light.

It’s as if you took a bowl, poured in a lighted liquid, and went up to your heart and poured that liquid into it. And the heart is sort of transparent, and as the liquid goes down, it illuminates the heart. And you fill the heart with light. Difficult? No, it’s not.

So, filling your heart with Light, that’s it.

Filling your heart with Love! What is filling your heart with Love? It’s thinking of beautiful things. It’s thinking of happy moments. It’s thinking about those you love and what brings you joy in loving them. It’s putting up representations of the Love you experience. It doesn’t matter if it’s not yet Unconditional Love, but it is the love you know. And go on remembering each of these experiences and feeling your heart grow with so much joy, so much peace. In other words, fill your heart with Love.

It’s thinking about beautiful things. It’s thinking about the goodness of God the Father/Mother. It’s thinking about your life, about the physical being that you are. In the miracle of God the Father/Mother that each one of you is today and that I once was. I once had a physical body. I know what it’s like to go through all the difficulties you’re going through. And today I’m on a much higher plane, where none of the things you’re worried about exist. There is no worry. There is the present moment, which for me, right now, is being here with you.

So, when we talk about filling your heart, don’t think of anything crazy or eccentric. It’s taking the heart that you have inside your body and filling it with what you ask for. With Light, with Love. That’s usually what we ask for, Light and Love.

When we speak, fill your minds with Light and Love in the same way. It’s as if you took a part of your head, where the brain is, and filled it with that same illuminated liquid; fill your mind with Light. Think only of good things, loving things, fantastic moments.

Fill your body with Light! Ah, well, then you’ll have to use a bigger vessel. A bucket, perhaps? Fill a bucket with a well-lit liquid. And start turning from the head. See the crown chakra as a hole. And you pour this liquid into your body and it flows down your Channel of Light and overflows to your big toe. And that’s filling your body with Light.

Sounds funny and simple, doesn’t it? And that’s exactly what we want. That’s exactly what I want to bring you; the simplicity of the things we ask for. Nothing is so complex that you can’t do it.

Empty your mind! Ah, that’s easier. It’s through that little hole, sucking out all the brain, leaving the head empty. Yes, empty. In other words, empty the mind. See how figurative everything is, how make-believe. Nobody will be brainless. Not. But you will empty your head. Imagine that you have one; if you don’t like emptying your brain, that’s fine.

Then imagine that inside your head there’s a lot of old stuff that you don’t even remember anymore. Then you’re going to do a big clean-out. You’re going to open up your head and get all that old stuff out. You’re going to sweep, you’re going to wash, you’re going to brighten up, you’re going to open the windows. This is a good way to empty your mind. At the end of this exercise, you won’t be thinking about anything. You’ll be looking at a clean, empty mind. Easily.

So, my brothers, don’t put obstacles in the way, don’t make the things we ask for difficult. They are always very simple. We wouldn’t ask you for anything difficult, anything you don’t know. Create in your minds what we ask for. What we ask is always related to Light and Love. And even if you create something a little different, it will be full of Light and Love. And if it reverberates, it’s all right because it’s full of Light and Love. I am not afraid of what you will create.

Of course, you have to take responsibility for what you create. But as long as it’s something enlightened and loving, there’s no problem. You can create a big monster. Ugly, very ugly. But with a huge heart full of love, it emanates light. What’s wrong with it being ugly? It’s ugly within a conception, within an imposition placed on you by your world. But what matters is the heart. What matters is what it is: a monster of Light. And it will reverberate this Light throughout many spaces.

Do you understand? I am not afraid of what you will create. Be ready. Always be ready. And do everything with joy. Don’t make it difficult. Do it with joy. And if you are doing something that a Being of Light is asking you to do, always be sure: we are there by your side. If you can’t do it, ask for our help, we’re right there, helping you to create it.

Go on, try it. Fill yourself with Light, do this exercise. “Oh, and where am I going to find the Light to put in the bucket? You’re going to create this liquid. It’s an illuminated liquid. Think of water, illuminate this water. Make it colorful, and illuminated. That’s it, it’s Light. This is a bath of Light. An illuminated liquid.

So, my brothers, don’t make things difficult. Be simple and everything will be very easy.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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