Kuthumi – Think about your choices

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KUTHUMI!

I’ll be ending this journey today by telling you never to give up on anything, never give up on your dreams, and never give up on your desires. Always focus on what you want. At this time on your Soul’s journey, all your Soul desires are to ascend, leave this dimension, and live exclusively in Unconditional Love.

So, going to the Fifth Dimension is not just opening a door and walking through. Obstacles are plenty; ascensions are several. Always think of yourself as going uphill, where every step you take is because your vibrations allow it. There is a gift for you at each step, a thank you for making a great effort to get there. Likewise, you lose what you have accomplished whenever you fall because you need to make an effort again to get back to where you were.

The journey isn’t easy. First, you need to understand, learn, and eliminate everything your Souls still hold. It’s not an easy process, but it’s not impossible. It takes a lot of willpower, a lot of believing in what you can’t see; believing only in hope; to believe in what we say that there will be ascension. How can you know? No, you have no way of knowing, but you can try. If you stop and give up, then yes, I say there will be no ascension. However, if you insist, although all the boulders, pain, and changes in life and consciousness you will face, great hope and results are waiting for you.

Never give up. Never let obstacles get you down. Obstacles are always steps toward ascension, or not. It depends on how you face them. If you see an obstacle as a point to overcome and believe you can, evolution happens; anything contrary to this will lead to nothing, and you will remain where you are. The Soul’s ascension is precisely that; to overcome obstacles, learn from them, to give up all that is no longer worthwhile.

But everything has a price, which can be a life-changer, a significant decision, a way to let go of old beliefs and customs. It can be several things. But, you need to be ready to make that happen. There is no ascension in giving up. Ascension is always a quest to move forward, to climb the steps upwards, which will always be a long flight of stairs. The vibrations must increase to arrive at the place one needs to be.

Ascension is pain, changing, learning, letting go, and ascension is forgiveness; always forgiveness. Judgment, criticism, giving up, tiredness, and discouragement are incompatible with ascension. It compares to staying where you are. You want to ascend, we know you do, but it is not by sitting around, crying, complaining, and decreeing time and time again, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” that you will evolve. On the contrary, you are saying to your Souls, “You were right. I will stay in the same spot. I no longer want that. I’m staying right where I am.”

It is a choice; everything is. And these are difficult choices. We never said they would be. But it is precisely the choice of ascension that brings evolution. Which path do you want to follow: staying where you are, thinking you are incapable, or keep trying? Which do you think will lead you to ascension? Think about it.

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