Kwan Yin – Ask for Our Protection, with the Heart

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

I come with my white dragons, bringing much Light, much peace and love to this planet; and to each one of you who is here at this moment.

Feel welcomed, my brothers. Always feel protected. Because this is the purest truth. Vibrate Light, vibrate Love. And we will all be around you. Don’t be afraid of anything. Don’t be terrified of anything. Believe me, everyone will go through whatever is necessary for their evolution. No more, no less.

Worrying about others will do no good. Worrying about yourself won’t help either. Just live in the moment. Be grateful for everything you experience, because every obstacle there is an indication of a quantum leap; an elevation; a step up. So why complain? Standing still in the same place will get you nowhere.

So be grateful even for the problems. Because each one that comes your way is an indication that you are being given the opportunity to resolve it and get it out of the way of your soul. And make it a little cleaner and lighter.

Learn to look at everything with Love. Every moment, every event. There’s no point in getting upset. There’s no point in fighting. There’s no point in emanating bad feelings. Envelop everything in Light. Envelop everything in Love. And you will see how everything will happen, calmly, peacefully. As if there were no obstacles in your world.

Fill every moment with Light. When you buy something far away, see it wrapped in Light. So that it arrives at your home illuminated; so that it is protected against the energies that will be on the way, and which are currently not good at all. Dress in Light, as you have already learned. Use the Light at all times. Ask for the presence of the Angels.

They are all around you, just waiting for a request. Use the Angels in your homes. Ask them to create points of protection in your homes. Transforming your homes into true fortresses. Call the Angels for a walk to protect you from negative energies. Put the Angels in your cars to protect them from incidents.

Use the Angels. Use us. Because this use is not wasting our time. It’s not bothering each and every one of us. There is no such thing. When a request is made of you, it’s as if the whole universe claps its hands, because you’ve remembered us. You’ve remembered those who can actually protect you? And we are so happy about this that the Light we emanate is so intense that you often get goose bumps and don’t know why.

Trust what we say. Our role is to help and protect each and every one of you. But for this to happen, you need a request or you need to emanate Light. But I tell you: the request is even more intense, especially if it comes from the heart. When it comes from the mind, only in the interest of protection, we also respond. But not as intensely as we respond to a request from the heart.

No, we’re not making judgments. Everything is proportional to what you emanate. We give you what you emanate. That’s all. So also know how to ask from the heart, so that you receive 100% of the light that we can send.

Believe it, my brothers. Everyone is helped. Don’t try to understand how; how we can divide ourselves; how we can be with everyone. Don’t think about it. This is a wisdom that you will learn over time. Our energy spreads. It’s our energy that reaches you. And all it takes is a response from us and you will receive it.

Hang in there, my brothers. These will be difficult times, difficult times. But it will all be worth it. You will see the results. And you will know: “I was chosen!” And be grateful to your Souls for having created this journey and brought each of you to these moments. 

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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