Lanto – The Magic Box

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM LANTO! 

It is with great joy that I bring you a box; a little box. And I place it in the hands of each one of you right now. 

It is not made of gold, but it shines. It shines because it is made up of a lot of wisdom, of understanding and learning. Understand that this little box contains everything that your souls have already learned, as if it were a great reservoir of learning, of everything that your souls have experienced, felt and accumulated as part of their learning. 

But this little box is also magical. So I ask each of you now to open this box. But always be sure: If you don’t believe in it or don’t want to do it, simply do nothing. But for those who do believe, open the box. 

As you can see, it’s empty. Yes, I said it contained a lot. But remember that I said it’s a magic box. Look inside the box. And want, that everything you’ve learned, from past lives, from lives lived, and which no longer lives lived, and that it no longer serves any purpose. Those were other times, other customs, which will no longer be applied now. 

You simply want all of this to be removed from the burden that your souls carry. Those who are doing it from the heart will even hear the sound of the balls falling into the box. 

box. If you don’t hear it, you can see the balls inside the box. Or if you don’t hear or don’t see, you feel that the box is full of balls. It doesn’t matter which of these three you are.

What matters is that everything I’ve said has gone into the box. It’s those little balls that are there. And they’re very tiny. There are many little balls; thousands, perhaps. 

Now close the box. It glows again. Open it again. Well, it’s empty. But where did the balls go? It’s a magic box, remember? 

So this little box will always remain with you. And from now on, whenever you have something that you want to forget, that you want to let go of, that you don’t want to carry anymore. Put it in the box, close it, wait a few seconds and it will disappear. 

There’s just one small catch. Don’t ask people to disappear from your life. You can the situation that involves you with them; the problem. You can put that in the box. But not the people. Because to ask a person to leave your life is to invade their free will; because they may not want the same thing. But you can ask that the situation between you, that the problem between you, that the differences between you, that the hatred between you, go away. And then you stick it in the box. That’s possible. Not the person themselves. 

Keep that box. Where? Somewhere you won’t forget it. If you want to buy a little box, so that it’s a physical representation in your world, buy a small box. It doesn’t have to be as pretty as the one I gave you. Because mine is beautiful: it shines. 

But you can buy a small box; wrap it around your hands, … You see, it is small. Wrap the box in your hands and ask: “Master Lanto! Make this my little box, that magical box that holds everything that no longer serves me”. And I’ll transform your little box, into that little box that you won, and you can use it whenever you want. 

It’s as if it were a physical representation of the box I gave you. But if you don’t want to buy it, that’s fine. Keep using the one you won. All you have to do is to want, put the box in your hands, open it, let the problems that you want to go away. Simple, isn’t it? 

So the question remains: What’s the point of all this? The point is to free your soul. It’s to take off the weight they’re carrying. To remove so much that is there that no longer serves any purpose. Now, it’s very important to want, to believe, to feel what you’re doing. To believe that you can change, by changing your soul. It’s not complex, it’s simple. 

Just do it. Try it out. At the end of each day, open the little box and leave in it everything that has upset you, everything that has thrown you off balance. So that it doesn’t accumulate in your body, in your mind. Clear your mind. Put your thoughts in the box and it will take everything away. 

Don’t forget, it’s a magic box. Know what to ask for. Ask for anything. Just don’t ask for people to be removed from your path. The rest can ask for. 

In some cases, the little box may not answer. Why not? Because the problem is a lesson. And you need to solve it first. Then, yes, you can put it in the box. And forget you ever went through it. 

Believe me, my brothers and sisters: this is a way to lighten the load for many of you. And be sure: you will feel the difference.

Translated by: Letícia Balbino

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