Maria – Do Not Feed Quarrels and Discord

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

Every time I can be with you, my heart is filled with Light; of much Light. And this Light I return to each one of you, calming your hearts, calming your paths, giving strength, giving comfort.

My sons and daughters, some go through serious problems; others, for minor problems. But this is a time, within your journey, a time of reflection; a time of analysis; a time of discoveries.

This is not the time for revolt. This is no time for anger. This is no time for discord. The current moment needs and must be one of peace and love. Try to avoid arguments, fights and disputes. You don’t want to let the ego win. This is the time to calm the ego, not grow it.

I would say, in every moment of discord, just observe. Don’t say anything… don’t argue! No, this will not, at any time, be a demonstration of weakness or submission. The heart needs to be filled with love, filled with Light. And a heart full of love and Light does not need to show anything. You don’t need to respond to anything. Because Love and Light are enough to fill any place. 

Don’t feed the pain. Do not feed discord. Yes, feed peace, harmony. The planet has enough discord already. Lots of wars, lots of violence. Don’t be one to increase these processes. Avoid arguments. Avoid fights. Avoid wanting to assert your will. Always respect the other person’s opinion. I don’t want to be 100% right. Don’t try to impose your will. Don’t try to make someone else act the way you want them to.

Open your heart, light up your heart. And your mind will light up along with it. Don’t try to be bigger or superior. Being silent is not a sign of weakness. Being silent is knowing what you want. And you don’t want to feed what is not good. So know, my children, feed your hearts and minds with lots of Love and lots of Light.

Don’t feed the shadows. Do not feed the energy that is around you. The energy of pain and suffering that they apply so much to you. And rest assured, this is all coming to an end. It won’t be easy nor will it be beautiful. But I guarantee, to each one of you, that after all the process that will come, there will be harmony and there will be peace.

And you can begin to build a New World. A world where love and respect will never be broken, never forgotten.

Translated by: Paula Prado

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