Maria – We are ready for your request for help

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

My heart is overflowing with joy because of the many mantles I have given to each one of you. My sons and daughters, when I say that I give you my mantle, these are not just words. You must believe that my blue mantle covers each one of you. Why do you find it so difficult to believe? Why do you find it so difficult to experience so many good things?

You are being gifted with much light all the time. The light of Alcyon is coming with integrity, strength and power upon each of you and this light is causing many changes, physical changes. The more your bodies absorb what arrives, the more they become unbalanced. No, this is not bad, it is a process you must go through: transmuting the whole carbon structure into a crystalline structure and this is happening now, some more, some less, depending on each one’s walk.

Don’t complain, don’t think it’s bad, whatever symptoms you are experiencing. It’s all part of this process. Of course there must always be common sense. Do not attribute everything bad that you feel to the energies, there has to be common sense and understanding, the analysis of what your bodies are feeling.

The roses exchanged in our meeting, each one of them are planted on the planet allowing new roses to be born. The planet is in bloom. You have spread the energy of Love and Light all over the planet. Many roses will be born, and each one that is born represents the Love of us all, my energy, the energy of all the goddesses.

Eat properly. Avoid eating live animals. Try to eat more greens and vegetables so that your bodies have the capacity to metabolize what is coming. The cleaner the bodies, the easier; the more contaminated, the more difficult. Pay attention to what you are eating at the moment. The transformation in your bodies is intense and elevated things are needed to help you stay balanced.

Continue to follow our instructions to look at everything with Love. Open your hearts to everything. Accept people as they are, with all the faults, with all that you perceive is not going the right way. Everyone will find their own way and their own moment. Believe it; you are all having your consciousness heightened but it will not be you who will put them on the path.

You need to be the path so that those around you find that path. It is the example that you set that will attract others but it is not you forcing or requiring anyone to follow your path. All must come from the heart, all must come with Love and each person will find his own time, his own way, his own way to find the path. Just be the path.

But this does not mean that you should think you are better than anyone else. Only those who have already followed all the past learning are already able to follow a good path, but that doesn’t mean that it is 100% the right path. But even this path, still full of flaws, is already capable of being the direction that many need to find.

Just be Love my sons and daughters, nothing more. The moment is one of acceptance, accepting the other entirely as he or she is, and above all, accepting yourself as you are. Try to improve, to expand, to elevate your consciousness at every moment so that your path becomes more and more flowery, more and more enlightened.

I would say that you are on a great climb up, where many people down below already see you and want to get to where you are. But even you, you still have a very long climb, and you also look at those who are already up there and you also want to get there. You realise that you cannot be discouraged, you must always keep going, because the slightest carelessness and you fall, you slip and you return to the lower layers of that same mountain, that same climb.

Sons and daughters, we are all in place, ready for a request for help. It has only to be done with the heart and be sure, we will give you all the equipment necessary to your evolution.

Translated by I. Arantes

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