Mary – Create a Tunic of Light

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

I open my arms and receive each one of you now in a big hug. Feel all my love. And receive the enlightenment, the peace, the sweetness that I am passing on to you at this moment.

The moments to come will be ones of great transformation. They will be moments of elevation, moments of definition. Each of you is being bathed in a great deal of Light. And for those of you who let yourselves be carried away, you are being guided to the right paths, which will lead you to your own evolution.

Don’t look for new paths. Don’t look for new alternatives. Stay on the path of the Light. Surrender to the Light. Let the Light lead your lives, your paths, your ideas.

You put on clothes to avoid going naked; to protect yourself from the cold; because your society says so. Then add one more item. Every day when you wake up, dress in Light. Don’t create different, fantastic clothes of Light. No. Create a robe of Light. Wear this tunic in your mind. This tunic has an important detail: it has a hood, because you need to protect your heads, above all. Your feet and hands can be left out. Because there needs to be a point to get out, what might be in you.

You can feel your hands and feet warm, cold, tingling. Various sensations. Don’t worry. It will be the Light cleansing all your bodies. Dress your babies. Dress your children. Dress your animals. But never leave your head outside. Everything must be covered except your hands and feet. You will be able to feel, see, hear many things. Don’t cling to anything. This clothing is not for connection. This clothing is for cleaning and protection.

From now on you need to be protected from all the emanation that is being released into your minds through the Matrix. You have to fight it. You have to protect yourself. But at the same time, this garment is Light. And as such, it will cleanse your bodies, your minds; it will make you see the purest truth. It will make you see what needs to change right now.

Don’t think this is a joke. What I’m telling you is very serious. And as always, my sons and daughters, do it from the heart. Because if you don’t do it from the heart, the garment won’t light up. The garment will not contain the Light. It will just be a garment, that’s all. The heart must be involved, it must be vibrant. Because these clothes will be created by the heart of each one of you.

Yes, it won’t be us who create these clothes, it will be you. You have already received enough Light to create these clothes. It’s a request, not an order. Everything has to be done from the heart, never out of obligation. And don’t be bothered by anything you feel; it will be fleeting and quick.

Cleaning sometimes causes a little itching. Give it a little scratch and carry on. A lot will come out of you. You have no idea how much strange stuff will come out. Thought-forms, sorrows, sadness. Everything bad that you’ve ever experienced, that your souls have experienced. And that this garment will transform into formless, structureless little things that can appear on your skin. No, nothing will be visible. Some may even see it, but the majority will see nothing. But it will be a great cleansing.

So, my sons and daughters, from now on, don’t forget to put on your clothes. And you can take them off before you go to sleep. But if you forget and go to sleep with it on, that’s fine. At night, when you go to sleep, your Higher Self will take your clothes off.

And no, don’t worry. Just remember to put it on when you wake up; before you get out of bed. Just imagine your garment of Light, your tunic, and put it on. That’s it. It’s simple, isn’t it? Do it, my sons and daughters. Of course, all this has a purpose. I’m not asking you to be funny. This was all created with all my love. And I know exactly why I’m asking you.

I want to see very beautiful robes. But the important thing is that they are of Light. Oh, and one detail: the color you want. Put colors of the rays. Choose a color. Please, not dark colors. Light colors. The colors of the rainbow, which are the colors of the rays, or white, no problem. That’s all right.

I hope that each of you will really feel the results of this whole process.    

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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