Mary – Wear This Mantle Wisely

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

I carry a cloak in my hands, one more among many that I have already offered you. But each cloak I bring is different, appropriate for the moment. I place this cloak in your hands now. No, don’t put it on yet. This cloak is a gift. This is a time when you exchange gifts. I couldn’t come empty-handed. This cloak will remain in the heart of each and every one of you; folded up, just the way it is. And whenever you need support, comfort, and a hug, remember the cloak. In this moment of need, when you feel alone, without options, without knowing what to do, take the cloak and put it on your back. There’s no need to say anything. Because when I see any of you wearing this cloak, I’ll know that I’ll have to take a more careful look to help you in that situation.

Once the problem has passed, keep the cloak in your heart again. It’s important, my sons and daughters, that you have the discernment to ask for help at the right time. It’s not just about wearing the cloak all the time. No. Let’s say that this is a cloak for difficult problems; for complex situations, which will help you to have strength and choose the right path for the situation in question.

Don’t use this mantle for small problems. You need to know when to use it. Because if at every moment of reflection, at every moment of choice, you take the mantle and put it inside you, what happens? It’s as if you were shouting: “Choose for me. Help me solve this little problem?” In other words, you would be saying to me: “I don’t want to think. I don’t want to understand. I want your help to get out of this, without too much effort.”

Of course, I always help. But this isn’t good for you, because the dependence on our word, our energy, and our help, becomes so evil that you stop thinking; you always want our help. And that’s not how a being evolves. Those who are on the path, who are preparing, or who are almost ready, need to be able to make good choices. This shows that they have learned the lessons we taught them.

That’s why I’m giving you the folded cloak. It’s not meant to be worn all the time. It’s for difficult moments, for complex moments. Then he’ll have his job. “But why? Why can’t you help us all the time?” Because you are beings with choices. The choices are made by you, not by us. And you need to learn to choose.

If every time you have a small, easy-to-solve problem, you ask for our help and we help you, what are we doing to you?  We are taking away your power. The power to make good choices, or not. Because if you make a bad choice, it’s a lesson you have to learn. And in the future, you probably won’t repeat it.

So, if we help you guide you, you’ll be too lazy to think, to make decisions. And that’s not what we want. We want strong and powerful beings, capable of making their own decisions. Don’t see us as the solution to everything. So, yes, my cloak will help, but when it’s something that you can’t actually do on your own; that you’re struggling to find the answer to on your own. Whether it’s something you’ve tried many times but haven’t found yet. Then you can wear the mantle.

And don’t think this is silly, because it’s not. It’s something very serious and very important for the journey. Every time you rely on us for small, petty things, you lose some of the power you have. Because you don’t trust yourselves, that you’re capable of solving things, that you’re capable of making good choices. As if you were saying to yourself: “I haven’t learned anything, I still need help.”

You’ll always have help. But you have to know how to ask for it. Don’t become dependent on us. You don’t want to see us as that lifeline. You are capable, you are powerful. Use your own powers. Because by acting in this way, we are all there around you, giving you more strength, giving you more power. Because we see that you know how to walk your path.

It’s not dependent on us. It doesn’t need a word from us every minute. It has already learned what it had to learn. And now you’re moving forward, with your head held high, your body erect and confident in the path you’re walking. So, my sons and daughters, we are here all the time. But don’t see us as something you turn to every second. God the Father/Mother has given you power. So use this power. Believe in yourself. And you will certainly become more and more independent.

Translator: Viviana Accorsi

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