Melquisedeque – Os Desapegos

Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth! I AM MELCHIZEDEK!

It is with great joy that I participate in this Ascension Journey. It is with great pleasure that I always like to bring procedures and therapies to ease some of the pain and suffering of humanity.

Diseases will end, my brothers and sisters. Balance will be present in everything. Pain and suffering will be alleviated. Difficulties will be extinguished. This is the world that awaits you. This is the New Era. Anything of your experience today will be the standard for what is to come. Everything will be different.

But it is important at this moment that you begin a great detachment. Detachment from everything. Not just from things. Things are important, yes, but I could say there are two attachments you need to pay close attention to: attachment to people and attachment to food.

There is still time for everything to be done gradually. No need for exaggerations. No need for anything radical. Just slowly begin to detach from many foods. Especially those that alter consciousness; those foods that bring a supposed momentary happiness, and that, in fact, only make you addicted and bring nothing good.

Start to detach from tasty things that are meant to bring imbalance to your bodies. Because the more flavorful, the more you eat. Begin to wean yourself off sweet flavors. They won’t disappear, because, for a long time, they will be consumed by you, but you will only find these flavors in elements and sweet fruit, Not where you find them today anymore. Sugar will not be brought to you. It will be contained in the foods. That’s it.

So, it is important for you to start having a sequence, a rule, it doesn’t matter what but begin to practice detachment. But always make sure to continue eating properly. It is not about giving up some foods and simply eating nothing else. The habit of eating fruits, vegetables, and greens must intensify. Because in them is contained everything you lose by not consuming animals.

Do this gradually. Show your bodies that they can indeed detach from it. This is important, my brothers and sisters. It is important to ease the addictions. There is no “I can’t!” Who rules your bodies? Your consciousness. So there is no “I can’t!” There is detachment, which cannot be instantaneous. It must be little by little because the instantaneous causes more imbalance than it helps.

So begin, little by little, to let go of these addictions. Gradually decrease them. And always repeat to yourself: “I am capable of this! I am capable of leaving this addiction!” Stop repeating “I can’t!” because it only strengthens your addiction more and more.

My Code of Light will come full of small codes that will act on various points of your bodies: mind, heart, and stomach. And they will be important for this entire process. Even if you have access to them for only 24 hours, it will be enough for them to be activated in your bodies. And they will continue to act for a long time, helping each of you in this moment of detachment.

As for detachment from people, this isn’t something to comment on. It is something to accept. Not everyone will evolve. Some will not be in agreement on anything. Some will think about it. Others will change their minds. But what is needed at this moment is your determination. It is your choice to evolve or not. They will just be choices.

There is no way to say here, detach today from “A” or “B”. Everything will depend on  “A” or “B”’s choice. So just keep this in mind. Seek within your hearts the right choice. Whatever the decision of “A” or “B” may be, your choice is already made. This is what is important. Start to live this idea. Get used to it. So that in the moment it will be easier.

Do not be deceived. No one will go together. Do not stay to remain together, because you will not remain. Each one will follow their path alone. So, will it be worth to miss this opportunity? Think about it.

And be sure, my brothers and sisters, evolution is something sensational. It is a thing that will take you to a world you cannot imagine. Believe in this. It’s quite important for you.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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