Michael – Be Ready


Being here as always, and as everyone has said, is always a source of great joy and light for us. A time of total imbalance, a time of not-so-good surprises, is approaching. Nobody should be terrified or even less afraid. The time is to trust. It’s always that moment when the world falls down around you but you stand up, because you trust. So this will be the greatest test.

We’ve been telling you here for some time, be ready. It’s as if your world, as you say, turned upside down. Everything will go out of order, nothing will make sense within what has been determined and defined for you, a lot will change. Exactly it’s these changes that we want you to be ready for, that we want you to accept without revolt, accept without judgment, accept without comment. We can always say the following: God the Father/Mother never makes mistakes!

So once again, let’s say that everything that happens in your world has nothing to do with decisions by God the Father/Mother, with chastisements from God the Father/Mother so that you are punished. You are simply reaping what you have sown over time. But now I can say yes, there will be the hand of God the Father/Mother interceding on this planet. No more mess is over. You will be an evolved race, and as such, you will need to act as an evolved race. So everything that binds you to the past, to terror, to everything that was not planned by God the Father/Mother, will be eliminated. You will have the chance to live in a New World with very different concepts and laws than you have today.

So all we can say is that now, yes, there will be the hand of God the Father/Mother at work all over the planet. And how will the hand of God the Father/Mother act? Through us, we are his representatives. The Beings of Light around us, all those who are taking part in this evolution of the planet, are carrying out orders from God the Father/Mother. We know it won’t be easy, we know you won’t understand; and what’s worse, we’ll judge. I’m just saying that we’re not worried about that, you’ll have to learn to live in the New World where universal laws will have to be obeyed. The planet will no longer have its own laws, you will live under the Universal Laws which are much more severe and much more productive than the laws you have on this planet.

So it will be up to each of you to find your balance, to find that point where you will continue to believe in us or not. That will be up to you. If you want to judge us, you will no longer respect us, that’s a shame, because you will still be bound by everything that you were taught, that brought your planet to where it is today. So, how is everything right? Look at how far you’ve come, do you live happily and peacefully? Is your world equal? No one goes hungry, everyone has the right to everything? 

Many will reply: “But it has to be that way, everyone gets what they deserve!” Then I’ll tell you: it’s a shame, because you’re still stuck in the beliefs you’ve been taught for a long time. So it’s up to you, in the moments to come, to simply erase from your minds everything you’ve learned, everything that your laws and your rulers have imposed on you, and start to see the world in a different way; a truly egalitarian world, a world where everyone has the right to a world where no one goes hungry, where no one is superior to anyone else. If this is a utopia for you or something that doesn’t resonate in your heart, that’s fine, then you will continue on your way in the Third Dimension, no problem at all. You still have a long way to go to learn that the world isn’t this, the world can’t be that, it can’t be that.

So start taking a stand, start putting yourself out there without judgment, start just living each moment. It doesn’t matter what will come, it doesn’t matter what you will see, it doesn’t matter what you know. What matters is that you will be freed, what matters is that you will be totally free from any kind of slavery. Then start cutting ties with much of what you believe and think is right.

The truth won’t be easy and you’ll need to have a lot of faith, a lot of determination, a lot of balance, so that you can stand up and fall down. Otherwise, you will blend in with the rest and all the walking you’ve done so far will be useless. Because you won’t be accepting anything, you’ll be judging us and regretting having come this far. But we always say: It’s everyone’s choice. Each one of it’s like you’re finishing a cycle at school, and now you have to decide which way you’re going to go. Are you going to try to reach higher levels or do you want to stay there? what you’ve learned is fine… “That’s enough, I don’t need to go any further”. Good, then you’re making a choice and it certainly won’t be on this planet that you’ll live it out. Now, if you choose to evolve, then you will have a series of obstacles and tests. 

Nothing is over, nothing is definite, your journey is just beginning. Like everything new you start, you never know if you’ll finish. But if you have will power, faith and trust, there’s no reason why it won’t work out, there’s no reason why you won’t get there. So just choose what you want to live, do you want to accept what you’re told, it doesn’t matter, what you’re told you will trust, you will accept, you will not judge, you will just continue on your way. I’ll just say one thing to each of you: What will be done in your world will not directly affect you and specifically, unless you want to hurt yourself for the other, unless you want to suffer the suffering of the other. So once again I say: Look at your journey, forget about the other person’s.Take charge of your path, take charge of your evolution, forget what’s happening around you.You’ll be hurting for someone you thought you knew, but who deep down wasn’t what you thought they were?

I’d say it’s a waste of time. You’ve got used to idolizing humans, you put humans on pedestals. And I’m going to tell you, from these pedestals, the vast majority will fall and you will regret idolizing them. You don’t idolize another brother, you don’t idolize anything, not even us. We don’t want idolatry, we don’t want passion; we want a light and pure love, that’s all. So why idolize a brother? He’s just as human as you are. Is he everything he appears, is he as perfect as you imagine? Or is that just a shell?

You will have that answer. So stop idolizing whoever it is, because nobody

deserves idolatry. Idolatry is something from the Third Dimension, where you stop living your own path to live the path of another.We’ve talked about this several times here.So start; if you haven’t already started, to look at your own path, forget about the other person’s path and forget what will happen to the other. Oh, you’ve suffered for the other’s defeat, for the other’s why? Is that other person part of you, is that other person part of your body? So why hurt yourself for him, why suffer for him?

No one has to suffer for anyone, everyone has to look after their own path. Suffering is part of everyone’s journey and if that other person has encountered suffering, it’s part of their journey, you don’t have to suffer together. Understand that. Many still don’t understand and many still don’t accept it. They think they need to annul their lives in order to live the other’s suffering. And I say to you: This also reverberates, this also has a harvest, stop living the suffering of others. I’m not telling you to abandon anyone. You can love, you can care, but without suffering the suffering of others, this is entirely possible. So be ready, every day more ready, because every day “The Great Day” is approaching.

Many people think that once again we are lying and that nothing will happen. So wait and when it does, you’ll believe it. And then I’ll want to see what your behavior. Are you going to trust and stand on your own two feet or are you going to get caught up in the masses, in the waves, with the mud that will form around you? Then I’ll want to see each and every one of you.

Translation by: Leticia Balbino

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