Michael – New Pathways


I will be brief. The walk of the Journey of Forgiveness is over. I congratulate those who have followed it correctly and reached this point. As I said a while ago, it was once again necessary at this time, because many energies had returned. 

You don’t pay much attention to the things you think and say. And through this, you bring back a lot. A lot that had already been cleared and left in the past. It’s important, my brothers, that the memories should only be festive. Suffering and pain cannot be remembered. It must be forgotten because if it was an energy that has already been worked on and healed when you remember it again, you bring it back. It is not extinguished in the universe.

All energies continue to exist. When we treat them, these energies fall asleep. It’s as if they were stored in their proper places. But they stay there because they are part of the soul’s journey. They aren’t removed from your Akashic Records. They just don’t reverberate any more power, forwards or backwards. But they are still there. They are stored in very strong boxes.

But when you bring them back, that box opens and the energy returns in the same way that it used to be, with the same intensity as had been created. And all that treatment was for nothing. And that’s what you have been doing all along. That’s why this Journey had to be redone.

I hope that from now on you will behave appropriately and not bring back these energies. Keep them stored away, without reverberating anything into the present moment. We will now begin a new path. We won’t bring back anything from the past to be remade. We will be doing new things, focusing on this moment of evolution and learning. Just wait.

Don’t be anxious. We’ll work hard from now on. We won’t be here just to say nice things or not-so-nice things. We’re going to bring movement, we’re going to bring changes, cleansing. That will be necessary for each one of you.

The path is becoming more difficult. So there’s no rest. The cleansing has to be constant, the awareness has to be constant, the journey towards the Light has to be constant. So just wait.

Soon we’ll start something new. We won’t bring back anything from the past. But I ask every one of you: Every energy that has been stored, that has been cleansed, that remains in the past should not be brought back into the present.

Translated by I Arantes

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