As I said, today we begin a new journey. Right from the start I want to make something very clear. Nothing is mandatory. If you don’t agree in any way, if your heart says no, then don’t do it. Because you’ll be going against your very own path.
My brothers and sisters, not everyone is ready to evolve right now. Even if they want to. There is still a long way to go before they find the right path, the enlightened path. Many people don’t find that path no matter how hard they try, try, try. And I’m going to tell you why. Because they’re doing it like it’s fashionable: “If everybody goes, I go. If everyone’s wearing it, I’ll wear it. They’re not doing it from the heart. You do it because the majority does it. So you don’t get left out.
But I ask each of you: Listen to your hearts. Because it’s not doing everything that we’ve been through, it’s not doing several things at once that will get you to the Fifth Dimension. What will get you there is to do each of them at the right time, and above all, to do them with your heart. Because if you do them without your heart, you won’t get anywhere. The path to the Fifth Dimension doesn’t appear before you. You stand still.
So let’s stop being those who follow fashions. Those who follow what others follow. If your heart says, “Oh, that’s too boring. I don’t want to do this. Don’t do it. Because right now you’re not ready. For whatever reason. There’s no point in doing something without your heart. It doesn’t lead to anything.
So before starting anything today or tomorrow, ask our hearts: “Do you want to do this?” And if it says, “I do,” then do it. But if there is the slightest doubt, and I’ll say more if you’re already asking your heart, it’s because you don’t want to do it. Then don’t do it. There is no point in doing something that your heart doesn’t want you to do. Just because most people do it. It won’t get you anywhere. You won’t receive. The energies that are being offered here are because you’re not doing it with your heart.
“Let’s not deceive ourselves. Let’s not pursue it just because it’s something that might take us to the Fifth Dimension. Going to the Fifth Dimension isn’t that simple. It must be done with the heart, with love, with will, with focus, and not just for the sake of it. You have until tomorrow to think. Should I start or not? Think deeply. Consider what you truly desire.”
“If you’re already excited, that’s great – go for it! But if you’re still in doubt, it’s okay to take your time. Proceed on your journey at your own pace. Who knows, maybe you’ll get closer to what we are about to begin? But don’t do it just for the sake of doing it, because that would be a waste of time and won’t do you any good.”
Many people here act like ants on sugar. When they hear something around the corner, they come running over. Why is that? It’s not like that. Going to the Fifth Dimension isn’t about doing everything; it’s about doing what you can with your heart. Doing everything doesn’t get you anywhere because you’re not doing anything with your heart.
Remember to choose your own path and behave in a way that leads you there. Just because someone else is doing something, doesn’t mean you have to do it too. Follow your heart, not someone else’s actions. Don’t live someone else’s life – you’re not a puppet, you’re a thinking being. You have the power to choose what you do. What others do is their concern, not yours.
Let’s get started! Today, you will get settled into your designated space to receive all the necessary information. Tomorrow, we will begin the entire process, which we will call the Ascension Journey. Each day, you will receive a Light Code that you should print out and use for that day. What does this mean? Allow me to explain.
Each Code of Light will be brought by a Being of Light. And it will have a function, a purpose. So you’re going to receive this code and you’re going to put it somewhere you pass by all the time, so that your brain looks at it all the time, as much as possible. Anyone who wants to take the code and stare at it for a while can do that too. Look at it for as long as you can.
“Remember, the code emanates energy. It is a Code of Light that everyone will receive, whether they focus on it or not. It’s important to look at it all the time because every time your eyes connect with it, you amplify the energy you are receiving.”
The being of the day will send you a Code of Light that you will receive. This code will emanate for 24 hours from the moment you connect with it. Every time you look at the code, its energy is amplified and you receive a little more. Therefore, I suggest putting the code in a place where you can pass by often and look at it.
You don’t have to stare, stare. No, just look at it and connect with it, and off you go. Anyone who wants to take the time to connect will of course receive even more energy.
And so it goes from Monday to Friday. You don’t work on weekends, right? So tomorrow you’ll get the first code. Plain paper. No big deal. And you’ll keep these papers every day, because you’ll understand why.
Everyone can put it wherever they want, as long as they can pass by and look at the code. “Oh, but my family doesn’t understand these things. I can’t put it on the wall, I can’t put it anywhere.” So, in your case, you’ll have to have a place of your own and every time you remember, you’ll go there, look at it and put it away. You see, it’s not the displayed code that will be emanating energy to you. The energy will come from the being. And it will be emanating for 24 hours.
“To look at the code is to amplify that energy, to receive a little more. So keep it, and from time to time go and look at the code and keep it again. Don’t have your devices? Put the code on the device. And look at it. Yes, it will work. The important thing is that you connect with the structure of the code. It doesn’t matter where it is. Do this, put it on your device, and from time to time, just as you do with your conversations, look at the code.”
“We are doing this so that you can receive a lot of light. Each being has a purpose and a function, and by receiving the energy of each being of light, you will have a very important range of energy in your bodies and hearts. This will give you the opportunity to move on to the next step. In time, you will know what that will be.”
So that’s it. Very simple, isn’t it? No need to ask questions. It’s all explained here. Don’t ask the other person what I said. Listen to my words. Make your own understanding. Don’t ask the other person. You like everything to be very easy. “Oh, then it’s easier to ask the other person, because they’ve already heard it”. No, listen to yourself.
I don’t want any questions. If you have any questions, please ask me. Let’s stop depending on each other. Ask the other person everything. The instructions will be provided in the group that will be created. Please be patient and wait. Don’t ask the other person. Listen. You will understand what I’ve said here several times.
Welcome to the Journey of Ascension.
Translated by Simarea Marques

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