Some people are complacent, others run after things. Some people don’t want to know anything, others want to know everything. Some people don’t usually have an opinion of their own, others like to impose their opinion. Some people follow what others are doing (if the other person wears blue: “Oh, I’ll wear it too!”), and others like to impose their way of thinking. And why am I saying this? Because I realize that many of you have studied, you’ve been here for a long time, you’re following all the paths, everything that’s been passed down, you’re participating, it’s correct. But you can’t think with your mind, you always have to think with someone else’s mind. So it’s like they’re walking and they always stop to look to the right or the left. They forget their path because they heard someone on the corner say something, and that catches their attention and they look away to copy the same thing.
Where am I going with this? At this point, what have we been saying to everyone here? “Look at your walk!” I ask you a question: do you all wear the same clothes? Do you all have the same size clothes? Of course not! So why is it that every time someone says something you want to copy it? Do you want the same thing? Why? That person got it! They got it! They went after it! They deserved it from the Universe! So she goes and comments, and when she comments, everyone wants it! “Oh, I want it too! Oh, I want it too!” Why? Why do you have to wear other people’s clothes? Why do you have to wear other people’s shoes? Everyone gets what they deserve! Everyone has what they want! Everyone gets what they set out to achieve! So it seems to me that you are never satisfied with what you have! You always need to have what the other person has! “Oh, if the other person has it, I want it too!” Why? Why do you always have this need to never be left behind? You can’t not perceive things this way, you can think that everything is very simple. “Oh, I have something here that I use and I can share it.” Why? Did a being of Light create it? You created it. So why do you want to share it? To show what? That you are capable of doing it? So, my brothers, I’m putting things very clearly, both sides are wrong, the one who offers and the one who asks.
At this point, I’ll say it again, and I’ll say it many times from now on: it’s everyone’s journey! When you don’t have something and you ask for something that someone else has done, you’re in the hammock, drinking juice! Because you could have done the same thing the other person did. But what do you want? You want it in your hand, so you stay in the hammock drinking juice! And do you know when you’ll lose this habit? Never! Because you keep repeating it almost all the time! Where have you not yet understood that it’s everyone’s journey? That everyone has to have access to what they’re looking for? And another point: everyone receives what they deserve! So, I would say, maybe I don’t resonate, because a lot of what I say here, some people retort, some don’t like it, some don’t agree and that’s fine! I don’t want puppets! However, I always say: that every choice has a result! So, if you think it’s right, fine, keep doing it! Continue on your way looking to the right and to the left to see what the other is doing, keep going! When you get to the front and you’ve wasted a lot of time looking sideways, you might regret it. Because every time you look away, you lose focus on your path and that takes time. Because until you negotiate what the other has, time is passing and you’re not looking at yourself, you’re looking at the other. But it’s your path, but you want what the other person has! With what intention? Thinking you’re going to get to where the other person is? No, you won’t! Because you’re in the hammock drinking juice, and the other person is walking, and you’re in the hammock.
My brothers, how many times will I have to say: look at your own feet! Look at your path! Forget about other people’s paths! Don’t give away anything that belongs to you! If you have something good, be grateful to the Universe for having received it! If it was meant for someone else, or others, the Universe would have given it to you! So what do you do? You don’t value what you get, because you get it and spread it around! That’s not what the Universe did. If everyone had to have, the Universe would give to everyone! Understand that! Everyone has their gifts! Everyone gets what they deserve! So both sides are wrong: those who give and those who ask! And, frankly, I wouldn’t like to see any more of this! Because this is a delay in your life, in your journey and I don’t want to see anyone lagging! I would like everyone to look at their path!
It’s interesting how you forget the purpose of things. The purpose of groups is to exchange experiences, not gifts. Everyone gets what they deserve and everyone gets what they go after! Or are you going to leave me wondering “What to do with the groups?” I haven’t taken any action yet, they’re all open. The only groups that are closed are those of Sananda, the letters of Christ, and the cities. So don’t make me make any drastic decisions because of your bad behavior! Vibrate loudly, my brothers! Vibrate with joy! Don’t bring contentious issues to the group! If you want to challenge something, challenge it somewhere else! The group is no place for that! There (in the group) it’s for the exchange of experiences, where one can tell his experience so that the other realizes that he too can get there. Or the other person realizes that they shouldn’t do what they did and that they got that result. That’s the idea!
So I would like you to think about it. Now, as I always say: it’s up to you! I’m just saying, if it continues as it is, I’ll be able to make a good decision! Then you’ll be able to talk among yourselves as much as you like, you’ll be free, but not within the group, my group that you have today. Because that group is Mine, I’m in charge there! So it’s not a mess! It’s not a place for you to hang around: one person talks, the other makes a reply, the other makes a rejoinder, and so on. What the hell? Let’s stop it! I’ve had enough! I should have said that some time ago. But I kept watching and I don’t like what I see! So the decision is in your hands! And don’t take it as a threat. Take it as a realization! Either you behave effectively or the group will break up! You choose! I don’t need a group to speak! I don’t! Now you want to have contact, so behave! This isn’t your home! It’s not a place for you to say whatever you want! There are rules that I’ve already laid down! So it’s up to you, I’ll say no more! I won’t repeat this subject! Because if I have to repeat it, it will be to finalize the group, so I don’t want to repeat this subject!
Brother Ruy, I’m going to open the floor to you and I’ll come back at the end!
It’s always a deep sense of gratitude when we hear Michael the Archangel speak. Today I went through Vânia’s story a little. In July 2018, his first message, still with a mechanical voice, but he speaks of the Divine Presence, he speaks of each one invoking his Divine Presence, and he speaks so that each one can trust what is around us. Brings up a passage from Christ’s letters, a letter in which Mestre Sananda places his Last Supper.
Until the Last Supper, all the disciples felt safe, and all the disciples were confident. Even when Jesus gave them some information, it was as if they didn’t hear, as if they didn’t listen to what was being said. Undoubtedly, in many passages, when the period approached that he knew he was ending, on the physical plane, with the body that was on its journey, there was no understanding on the part of the disciples. Even though he allowed the disciples to go out into the field, preach, perform healings, and come back with all the experience they had had. But it was at the moment when He said that that night was His last night and that the next day He would be nailed to the cross. And all the disciples didn’t trust all the teachings he had spoken and a series of charges began. Two disciples for Him, in the sense of: “But how? I dropped everything to be with you! How are you going to die tomorrow?” And that’s a symbolic death. What is happening today? This great journey began in July 2018. In March 2020, a deeper study begins. To be more precise, in November 2019, when Michael the Archangel started talking about the letters of Christ and in March this journey began, I was surprised by everything that was happening, but at the end of the day, there was certainty in my heart that it was a path to be taken – because I could have said no. But there was a calm, a tranquillity, a confidence that was placed in me. But there was a calm, a tranquillity, a confidence that was placed in me. An opportunity was given to me a long time ago and I missed it. But here, I’ve been given that opportunity back and on this opportunity, on this great journey. We are coming to the end of 2024, in July of this year we completed a cycle of 7 years with the journey of Michael the Archangel and another 4 years with Sananda. You are receiving countless messages, and in-depth studies from all beings, of all colors, and of all sizes.
But there is a moment, which is now, when you are asked to stop for a while, to reflect a little on everything that is being done. And when Sananda and Michael the Archangel asked us both not to put anything out in January, it’s because all this information needs to stop so that there can be a time for you to mature. No one will be alone, because no one is alone! Everyone will be together! But everyone must have their unity. What happened to the disciples doesn’t have to happen: they didn’t believe, they didn’t have confidence in all the teachings, and they had to go through deep pain to learn what journey they had to take. And the same process is being repeated today! No one will die, but everyone needs to go through a deep process. Those who have made the most of the last seven years are already on a lighter, smoother path. Those who started and didn’t believe will have a slightly heavier path because they’ll have to take it all in at once. Let’s give an example: it’s as if 7 years ago you started filling a bottle and that bottle now holds 7 liters of water. In March 2020, a journey began, where you could start drinking the water from those first two years, plus the water that came in. But those who didn’t believe, now have a bottle with 5 L of water and now have to drink it all at once. And what are the consequences of drinking 5 liters of water in one go? Well, then everyone has to pass on what they need, right? So it’s very important that each of you, who taught me and taught Vânia too, as I always say and Vânia always says: you are our Masters! Because every day you make us evaluate ourselves, and our journey. So for us to stay here in January and do nothing, my heart and Vânia’s heart leaped as if to say: “What is this like?” But then we discover that it’s the heart of the ego. But that’s not the heart that has been passed on to us. So it’s a moment of deep reflection! It’s a time for a beautiful journey that everyone is going to take! No one is alone! But you need to be alone with your difficulties, with your progress or lack of progress, with what you believe or don’t believe. Because time is up! It’s just a question of things taking a different path at some point. So this is Ruy who wants to leave a message of deep gratitude.
And before I take my turn, Master Sananda wants to talk to you!
Beloved sons and daughters! Everything that has been said here is in the hope that each one of you will be able to open your heart definitively. As has been said here, my journey with the disciples who, at that time, made the decision they made and then I was able to accompany each of them in their pain, but I could do nothing. And when each one overcame their challenge, they returned to the path that was made with me, but each one came back making their way with you. But each of you has to return to your path! Each of you has to return to your journey! Each of you needs to look at the deep difficulties that each of you has here! Like this son who speaks, like the daughter who speaks, each of them is going through a challenge. But there is a common point for everyone: there is the arrival of a path to end a choice that each of you has made.
Some, I would even say many, will be returning to another planet, to continue this moment that is taking place here, because they don’t believe. Like some of my disciples who also didn’t believe, and who are not just the 12, but many more. But many have fallen by the wayside. So, beloved children, this is the moment! Our energy is that each one of you can take on this great journey that has been made possible with so much time spent studying and working. Each of you must decide to remain silent. You don’t need to look for anything outside, because all the teachings are within you. The more you look outside, the more you wait, the further away from your arrival you are, and be sure, you are. When you have the feeling that you’re walking towards your arrival, your vision is distorted and it seems that you’re moving forward, but you’re moving at a very slow speed. That arrival that seemed to be fast becomes very slow and very slow.
So, beloved beings, this is a moment! Don’t look outside yourselves for what already exists! Stay silent! Like this moment that is so ingrained in your life with a story that isn’t true, but your hearts, the hearts of the ego, are focused on this whole process. But some of you can already understand that you are not dependent on this process, but you will be tested.
So, in this period, as has been set throughout this year for many beings, 40 days within your desert. And if you look, from that date onwards, until the end of the whole process, it will be 40 days. In which you have to make a decision. And that decision is whether you want to trust in the journey you have or whether you are still totally dependent on everything around you. The future doesn’t exist. The present is here! And the past is everything that has been built up and that is being maintained at all costs! It’s your choice now and it has to be that way, it can’t be any other way! Make your own profound choices, on your path, towards evolution. It’s just around the corner. There’s no point in speeding things up either because everyone takes their time to mature. And as has been said here, drink 5 liters of water in one go to see what happens to you, what happens to your body. So let’s make it clear to every one of you: it’s your choice! We have rules, and norms, to follow and among them, the most important is unconditional Love and not this Love that you still insist on living.
May the light of each one of you shine… on the road of life you are following. We will be in the stands watching your show so that you have the opportunity to be sure that the arrival is true, the transformation is necessary. Nothing you have experienced so far is just a preparation, a journey of much more Light and different from what you imagine. And here I want to say that, up until now, each of you has only been looking at the mountain from the outside, none of you has yet been able to be sure what the mountain is like on the inside. It’s up to you to discover the key to entering this mountain and this key is not outside, it’s inside you! And your Divine Presence on your path and in your Light!
Gratitude for this moment! Passing here to Mestre Miguel Arcanjo. My deepest thanks, because it’s great to go back and listen to the first message and then see that we still have a lot of growing to do. Thank you!
Before Miguel comes back, I’d like to say this: Ruy and I are just as human as you are! At no point can we say that we’re privileged, we’re not. I go through my difficulties, and Rui goes through him, each on their path. So don’t think that we’re in a bed of roses, that our lives are fantastic because we have so many Beings around us. No, it’s not! What we receive is the fruit of what we plant, that’s all! And each of you receives what you have planted, just like us. So it’s very important, people, that you have this awareness. Ruy and I are people, nothing but people! We just have one tiny difference from you: we can absorb a lot of messages. Look at what I’m saying: we have this ability to receive many messages, from many different Beings. And why am I saying this? Because anyone can receive messages. Many of you receive messages, but you don’t have the mission that Ruy and I have, because this is a mission, taken on by our souls God knows when, but it is a mission. And it’s not an easy mission, don’t think it’s easy because it’s not! So, I’m going to speak for Ruy because I know him we consider ourselves to be almost like brothers because of our affinity, so I can speak for him too. Today, we’ve been chosen, right, to be just channels, and that’s what we do! No more than that! We’re just channels, there’s no other feeling, no other pride in being what we are.
Now, I also say the following for him, that our heart is immense and we do things with this big heart. At no time… as I’ve already told you, Miguel asks me for things, or any other Being asks me, and I do it with the greatest Love, as Ruy also does. So, it’s a great surrender. No, we’re not trying to say that we’re better than anyone else, no, we’re not. We’re just like you, but we have a mission: to be a voice for many of their messages. Not just one, not just one piece of advice. Because many people get confused, sometimes they receive words and messages and think they’re channeling. It’s not like that, people! You need a mission! You have to have a path to follow! So where am I going with all this? We too have the same anxiety as you. What’s going to happen? We don’t know either! We don’t have inside information! So when the Masters said “January, nothing!” It was a scare for me and a scare for Ruy because that had never happened before! We could always appear less, and make fewer videos, but there was always something.
So here comes the big question: what’s next? We don’t know! But both Ruy and I have a perception, which Ruy has just spoken about and which Sananda has confirmed. It’s time to look inward! It’s a time to take a long look back at our journey. “What have I achieved so far? How far have I walked? Did I walk a lot? Did I walk too little? Did I walk on my legs? Or did I walk on other people’s legs?” So, I believe that this hiatus that is going to happen in January is precisely so that everyone who listens to us, who likes to listen to our messages, or rather, the message of the Masters passed on by us, realizes that it is time for an evaluation. We are currently being evaluated on everything we’ve done and everything we’ve learned! So this is my perception and Ruy’s too. It’s a total moment of introspection, of being inside, of finding that little place inside the spiritual heart, putting a little chair inside and sitting there, quietly, retrospecting what each person’s journey has been like. Because we say: “Oh, I’m ready for anything! I’m ready!” Then, it seems funny, but it’s not. The next day, life gives you the slip, as if to say: “You’re not ready! Look at your ego! You still have a long way to go!” And then we realize! “Damn! I’m not ready!” They’ve already said that none of us are! Is it going to be easy for us to live through what’s coming? We don’t know! We don’t know what’s coming! Beautiful things and easy things, we know they won’t be! Let’s not play innocent here either: “Oh, no! Nothing strange is going to happen.” It’s impossible to be any clearer than they have been lately. Impossible! Because they just don’t give us the dates, but they’ve been telling us what’s going to happen between the lines for a long time!
So what do we need now? Strengthen ourselves. To be ready! And how do we get stronger? How do we get ready? By going inside! Because it’s inside us that we’ll find strength. It’s inside us that we’ll create that huge room, with us sitting in the middle and all the Beings around us! Because they’re inside us, they’re not outside, they’re in here! Each one that we’ve trusted, that we’ve believed in, that we’ve said: “OK! I love what you said!” It’s in your heart! So it’s not outside that we’re going to look for, it’s inside! So we can’t be afraid! We can’t be apprehensive! We can’t be anxious! Of course, the way I’m saying it, it’s easy as hell! I’m saying it and it sounds easy, but it’s not! It’s not easy! Because you find yourself doing exactly what you said you weren’t going to do half an hour ago, and you end up doing it again. And why is that? Because we’re human! Nobody here is a Being of Light, that’s it. If we were, we’d already be there, in the Fifth Dimension.
So we all need to pay attention to ourselves: me, Ruy, you, everyone on the planet. To take this time for self-analysis. At the end of the year, we make a lot of promises, right, at the turn of the year. “Oh, I’m going to do this! I’m going to do that!” And they don’t fulfill any of them, because it’s rare for us to fulfill what we write at the beginning of the year. But if there’s one thing we should do and it would be good for us to do it, it’s to improve ourselves as human beings. It’s our preparation for the Fifth Dimension, and we already know what needs to be done by heart. Nobody here is surprised. “Oh, what do I have to do?” Everyone knows! So now we need, as They have said, to make it happen, to walk according to what we have learned. That’s it! And forget about each other! It’s time for everyone to look at themselves! But look at yourself! Not with an eye on the other person’s journey, no! It’s about looking at yourself, just at yourself, and preparing yourself! Because if you’re in the heart, come what may, you’ll land on your feet, as Michael always says!
So that’s the message I’m leaving everyone, for these festivities to come. That the video we heard, about giving Sananda your arm, was difficult for me to channel because I cried a lot at the time. Because I imagined what it’s like to walk arm in arm with Him, it’s wonderful! So, this Christmas, may we be arm in arm with Sananda, with the respect and love we have for him. And placing ourselves exactly as has been said, without getting involved in matters that don’t bring anything, because many people have large families and the matters are diverse. But try not to get too involved. It’s been a difficult Christmas for me, as for many here, because of my mother’s absence. But I’m grateful to have my son, so I’m not alone, I’m with him. And like many here, I know have lost fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, and loved ones this year. So may we fill our hearts with gratitude! A lot of gratitude for everything we have received, for everything we have received from these wonderful beings who are there. Each one with immeasurable Love! Every video we’ve brought out recently is just a video to raise our light! So, my brothers, may we, in the new year too, just turn the clock, turn the calendar, because nothing changes. We have this thing of: “Oh! The year will turn!” Only the calendar changes! The Earth is the same, you are the same, we are the same, and nothing changes, just the calendar, we move on to another year, and nothing changes. So, may we enjoy this day, this turning point, the end of the cycle, because this egregore of endings and beginnings does exist. So, may we start the new year with the certainty that we will be able to overcome everything, especially fear, mistrust, and doubt, which cannot exist in our hearts under any circumstances! So that we can be strong! Come what may, we’ll all be here, strong! And why? Because we’ll be in our hearts, inside, sitting there, protected by all of THEM around us! Don’t forget that! They’re not outside, they’re inside us! That’s why They say: “We’re just a thought away!” Because they’re in here, you don’t have to call out, they’re here!
Before you call on Michael the Archangel, I just wanted to make a suggestion that has just come to me. When Vânia was talking, it came to me what could be done. Let’s say it’s more of a learning experience! But, you’re going to take (at the end of this life when you listen, those who are listening to us now and those who will listen to us later), you’re going to, in the end, when Michael the Archangel closes the whole process, you close your cell phone, you take a mug, you take a bottle of water and, from today (or tomorrow, depending on each of you), you’ll have a journey of 40 days. So you make a toast to your new journey! Then you will take this water and you will choose the glass that you will choose, and you will say: “May my Divine Presence fill this glass of water so that I can follow my journey for the next 40 days with all the evolution that I so desire!” And if you’re sure of what you’ve done, you toast your Divine Presence and immediately drink some water, produced by your energy, by your capacity, and know that this journey ends either on January 29 or 30, when we’ll be leaving our desert. That’s your choice!
Thanks. That’s it, Ruy. So that’s it, my loves. Thank you! I’m going to close here because Miguel is the one who’s going to close, but I’m going to finish. May you all have a merry Christmas, a good start, with vibrant hearts. Be very happy. May we all have pleasant moments, as much as possible, right, because sometimes it’s not just our choice. But may our homes be protected and illuminated, and may we find each other… We’ll have videos until the end of the year, I’m not going to stop until the end of the year, but the 31st is the last one. Today is a closure for me and Ruy, as people: Vânia and Ruy. So we’d like to wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. And we’ll be here again in February. You’ll certainly see our faces again, I hope so. So let’s go, Miguel will be closing today’s live.
(Archangel Michael)
A lot of wisdom! A lot has been said here! And I can assure you that they were not my words. Because often, in the meetings she has with you, it’s not her who speaks, it’s Me! But not today! Today I assure you that her heart was speaking to you the whole time. It’s important, my brothers, to believe everything that has been said here, everything that has been proposed here! Many people think that I, Sananda, Mary, or any Being of Light can’t set rules, can’t speak rudely, can’t scold. “After all, you are a Being of Light and a Being of Light is pure Love!” This is a very limiting belief! Yes, we are pure Love! A Love you don’t know! But love is not carrying your child on your lap! To love is to show the child the way and when the child goes off the path, to call them to account! This is our role as parents! It’s not to put your hands on their heads! “No, it’s all right! You made a mistake, but it’s all right!” No, no, no, we’re not like that! So lose those limiting beliefs that you have that the Being of Light doesn’t scold, that the Being of Light doesn’t impose rules, that the Being of Light can’t speak in a stronger tone because it is unconditional Love. It is precisely because it is unconditional Love that we do all this! Those who like it, like it! Those who don’t like it, don’t like it! And frankly, we’re not worried about that! We are what we are! And we’ll always be the ones who draw attention to ourselves when necessary. Or you’ll never learn! You would never have learned anything if I hadn’t behaved this way from the beginning! Or am I wrong? How many times have I come here to draw your attention? Not a few, but many of you only learned this way when you realized that you were wrong.
So, my brothers, listen carefully to everything that has been said, from everyone, not just from me, nor from Sananda, but from her and Ruy. Pay attention! They are both human, just like you. And I’m even going to say something that many people might imagine, but I’m going to repeat it: they are much more demanding than you! So don’t think that things are always going wonderfully for them. Because they always have to be ready for us. So the nudges happen, all the time, all the time! Learning happens all the time. They don’t come with everything ready, they haven’t learned much beyond what you’ve already learned. So, my brothers and sisters, let’s look at others as equals, that’s the message I want to leave at the end of this life: everyone before God the Father/Mother is equal, everyone! “Even evil beings?” Even them! Because even those who are called “evil” have the Divine Spark. It’s almost gone, but it exists because everyone is a child of the Father, everyone! And you will need to have very, very firm hearts to understand everything that is going to happen. Accept the new brothers and sisters, whatever they are, small, big, fat, thin, tall, short, very different from you, non-humanoid. There are beings that you have no idea what they are like. As you would say: “Wow, that’s ugly!” Indeed, in your conception, they will be ugly. But I can assure you that it is an immense heart, full of unconditional Love. Because you are here fighting for yourselves, for the planet, without asking for anything in return!
I hope that one day, those who reach the Fifth Dimension will be able to repay everything they have received here. How? By liberating other planets, by joining our fleet, our army. That would be magnificent! It would be a beautiful way for you to repay everything you’ve received here! But that’s another story, in another time.
So mark my words: I’m just like everyone else! No, no, don’t wrinkle your nose! You are the same as everyone else! Before God the Father/Mother, you are all equal! Shall we talk about earthlings? Let’s talk! You are born and die the same way, it doesn’t matter if you are black, white, yellow, blue, green, purple, short, tall, rich, or poor, you die the same way, you come back to Earth the same way and you are born the same way. What’s the difference? Ah, whether you’re a man or a woman? If you’re rich or poor? If you’re black or white? That’s just a costume. It’s just a moment, that will do nothing to diminish the journey to the Fifth Dimension, everyone is walking the same way. So why the difference? So I’ll give you another exercise, in addition to the water exercise, for the time you won’t see them. But precisely, in this case, the month of January. Repeat it, but with an open heart, don’t repeat it just like that: “I am the same as everyone else!” It’s an exercise, and don’t think it’s easy, because it’s not! Most of us here have already turned up our noses. So, those of you who have turned up your noses, do the exercise, because you need to, you need to learn to respect others because everyone is the same, nothing differentiates you, nothing! Because nothing will have any weight in going to the Fifth Dimension. Nothing physical, it’s not money, it’s not color, it’s not your choice of sex, it’s not what will or won’t take you to the Fifth Dimension. So, I’ll say it again: everyone is the same! So do this exercise. Repeat it every day: I am the same as everyone else! And I assure you that this will bring such great force that if an insect appears in front of you, nothing will happen, you will greet it and everything will be fine because you will see yourself as equal to it. Do you understand what I’m getting at? It’s not those clothes you’re wearing. It’s nothing! That differentiates you because you’ve been taught that, but what counts is the soul, it’s what’s inside it. And all souls have the Divine Spark, so you’re all the same, with different clothes, and different characteristics, but you’re all the same! And God looks at everyone in the same way, there’s no separation, no white-bearded old man sitting at the table banging his gavel: “You do. You don’t. You do. You don’t. You do. You don’t. Ah, maybe you. I’ll think about what I’m going to exchange with you to see where I can take you.” There’s no such thing! There’s no such thing as judgment, least of all from God the Father/Mother. So repeat: I am the same as everyone else! Because you as a soul are the same as everyone else! And even though you are physically dressed, you are also equal to everyone! This is my message to you for this time of introspection.
Next year really will be very different, but even they don’t know yet what it will be like. It’s not time to reveal it, but it will be different. So this is the time for you to break the crutches you’ve created, with us, we’re not crutches. You need to walk with your legs, not with us as crutches, we’re not. Break the crutches! And walk with your legs, your mind, and heart, individually! I think that’s the hardest thing, learning to be individuals and not groups. Learn to be individuals!
For us, there is no New Year’s Eve. That was something created on purpose on the planet. But, of course, we know that there is something that has already been created by yourselves, that ends one cycle and begins another. So I just hope that in the next cycle, you all come back balanced, focused, and ready for anything. And this is how you will cross the seas to come. Whether there will be a boat or not will depend on each person’s journey. But you will have to cross seas, either swimming or comfortably in a boat. Which do you prefer? Think about it! And listen to everything that has been said here several times, so that you understand everything that we are trying to convey here today!