Pleiadians – The Celebration Will Be Fantastic

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KALIGHAL, commander of a Pleiadian Ship!

Many of you have missed my presence, and I assure you that I have missed you too. I greatly enjoy coming to you to exchange a few words.

Currently, my army is well-prepared and ready for the Great Day. Our anxiety does not harm us because we know exactly how to behave and how to prevent certain feelings from negatively impacting our health. But sure, we are also anxious. I mentioned some time ago that we have already prepared our uniforms to look our best for you, to minimize the impact.

I am sure that many of you will have no problem greeting us, talking to us, and conversing. It will all be very easy and simple. Unfortunately, we know that for the majority, it will not be so, as many harbor fears due to the misconceptions created in your world about aliens.

We must agree that many things that were filmed and presented to you are nothing but the pure truth. The truth of invasion, domination, and everything that has been done on this planet for a long time. But they do not do this to present themselves; they do it to instill fear so that you understand we are always one step away from killing and destroying you. That there is no kindness in our hearts.

I tell you, my brothers, we have liberated many planets; we have fought hard to destroy those who propagate non-light. Our life is tireless in this regard. But we are always ready and very excited to liberate wherever it is, in the universe.

We have been here around your planet for some time, observing you; learning the culture, learning all kinds of customs you have, so that we can understand many things. The way you live and behave. We know that those of non-light have made disciples on the planet, and many. And very important disciples, who make important decisions throughout the countries.

Wars do not end because they determine it to be so. Many do not want the end of the war. They want more of you dying and bringing the fear of domination to all of you. But there are many of you with illuminated hearts who respect us. And mainly, already know us and are on our side. And at the moment we land on your planet, they will be the first to welcome us, demonstrating to the people all our strength, but primarily, the love we have for you. Each one of you.

We want a great celebration. We would like it to be this way. That we could all hug, toast, and dance for a long time, an entire night, full of love and friendship. We would like it to be this way. But I have a dream that this day will come; that you will receive us with celebration and we will have a beautiful party, filled with love and friendship between the peoples. Not just us, the Pleiadians, but all the races that are here around your planet. There are many. And all expect the same thing: celebration, joy, companionship, friendship.

I am sure many of you resonate with this, and want this. And I am certain that those of you who resonate this way will be with us because we know the hearts we can trust. We know the hearts that respect us. Love will come with time. But there is the feeling of gratitude for everything we are doing, and we also see this in your hearts.

The first moment will be…, I would say, weird, both for us and for you. We see you all the time. So we will not be surprised by anything. We already know the human race and practically all its variations. For you, sure, it will be a moment of great astonishment, due to some differences we have. Skin color, size, face shapes. And many are not humanoid. They are very different.

So it will be a very strange moment. We need to agree on this. You will have a long time to get used to and adapt to so much variety of beings and types that exist in the universe. We who are here are just a few examples of what exists in totality. But do not worry, you will have time to get to know us, learn about our habits and customs; and exchange experiences.

Because we like some things you do here. We are very eager to learn more deeply about your food, and your dishes. We see you savoring with pleasure the dishes you eat. We want to taste them to know what it is like. And we will also show you what we eat. We no longer have much of the habit of eating because our bodies no longer need it. But we still have food on our planets. And we have a good stock to distribute among you, so you can learn a bit about our customs and our life.

We want to make many exchanges. Exchanges of experiences, exchanges of stories. Sitting around the campfire, as you do, and sharing our adventures, our battles. I believe it will be very interesting for you as well.

So, my brothers, we are not evil. We are not what they try to say we are. We are Beings of Light from the Fifth Dimension and above. And our lives are always guided by love; love and respect. Even to those you think do not deserve it. There is no judgment on our part. We love everyone equally. Judgment is something each soul has for itself, as it reaps what it sows. We are not the ones who judge.

So, we are ready. Uniforms ready. Everything ready. Ships decorated. So we can present ourselves to you. And be assured, this news will spread throughout the universe and will be broadcast to many galaxies. And surely, many will want to meet you. And you will tell your stories. And, most importantly, you will tell that you have evolved to a higher dimension, with consciousness. And you will tell how difficult it was. But that it was all worth it because you now, or rather, you in a while, will be as evolved as we are. And then, the celebration will be fantastic.

Translated by: Ivana Bueno

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