Pleiadians – We, Earthlings, Are Admired by All

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KALIGHAL, Commander of the Pleiadian Ship!

Just now, I was laughing and so was she, because I showed her the shirt I’m going to wear when I show up: a very flowery shirt. You can laugh all you like; this is my idea. It would be really interesting, really funny. No, I’m not going to show up in a flowery shirt, I’m going to show up in my best uniform, in my gala outfit, because it’s going to be a moment of so much Love, so much Light, that we almost have to be covered in pure energy.

But we need to put on clothes. To appear physically to you. So I’ll be very well uniformed, very well groomed. I don’t wear the uniforms you wear. I’m calling it a uniform, because that’s the term you know, but I prefer to call it a tunic. We have beautiful material clothes that we wear for special occasions. And this will certainly be a very special occasion.

Are you enjoying our shows of color in the skies? We no longer hide from anyone. We’re appearing all the time, all over the Earth. The time is very close, my brothers, for us to meet, to seal a friendship that I believe will be as eternal as our souls.

Each of you is being prepared. We know it won’t be an easy time. But I can assure you that it will be a moment of so much joy, but so much joy, that you will be in doubt as to what to do: cry with joy, scream, run, hug us or run away. You really won’t know what to do.

But I assure you that as we approach, we will be emanating our full potential of Unconditional Love for everyone who is there. And this love will envelop you so strongly that you won’t have any negative reactions, because your cells will feel this Love. Don’t think that we don’t also have a little anxiety about what it will be like.

We’ve lived through this moment so many times, on so many planets, and we know that our feelings are different on each one. Because it depends a lot on the energy of the people. There are people who are extremely self-centered. They hardly touch each other, there’s no bodily touch; everything is telepathy, everything is mind, between one being and another; it’s heart between one being and another. There is no contact. So these are beings who I could even say don’t smile, they don’t know this act. They don’t. Because for them, this is not important; what is important is the balance of each one. There are beings who don’t show themselves. They are pure energy. They rarely wear physical clothing. There is no contact either.

Although we can see the timeline, we can know a little about what it will be like, we don’t know the feeling that we too will experience. Because you are pure unity. It may not seem like it. You may think that you are an inhuman people, that you don’t have all this Love that we’ve talked about. But you’re not like that.

When you hug each other, there is an exchange of energy, sometimes not very good, because not everyone vibrates in the same way. But at that moment, you surrender to that movement of your arms, of your body. Many are moved. So we realize that there is a connection of pure Love there. It doesn’t matter what is being exchanged, energetically speaking. There is a demonstration of Love.

Of course, you also know…. you’ll forgive me, but we see. You also know how to be fake. That ceremonial hug, just for the sake of giving it; there’s no exchange of feeling. We understand that too. But most of the time, you are pure heart, pure Love. And I’ve already said this to you here: We’re going to want to experience this. With everyone who wants to embrace us.

And rest assured, you will receive such a large dose of Unconditional Love that you will even be able to float, so lightly. This moment is approaching. And as I’ve said here so many times, our ships are beautiful, ready for the big party. I’ve even put on my shoes. I find it a bit uncomfortable, but I’ll wear them because I want to present myself as humanly as possible.

Unfortunately, we can’t change our size or color. But we’ll look just like you. So we’ll be very well prepared, so there won’t be so much dislike from other beings who have never heard or don’t know who we are.

Rest assured, we are pure Light. We are pure Unconditional Love and we have never, ever, at any time in our existence, harmed another being, whatever they may be. No matter what they have done.

So get ready too, because the party is about to start. It’s going to be a memorable moment. Where we’ll get those hugs. And what we love most about you: what you call a smile. Because you use it when you’re happy; when you’re a bit dull. But when you emanate Love and open that smile, we are almost paralyzed. Because through that smile, you manage to convey so much, so many mixed and beautiful feelings, that we’re almost overwhelmed watching you.

Yes, you’re not as bad as you think you are. You are a people with unique characteristics in the universe, especially in physical terms; because practically you are all different. So we have a lot of beauty to appreciate. You are unique in the universe. And that’s what makes you a special people. So special that God the Father/Mother decreed: “They will ascend in the flesh, in the body. They deserve it for everything they’ve been through on this planet.”

And so you will live it. So that you can tell everyone else about it later, and continue to be…, “ Oh, those people who ascended in the physical body.” You’ll have stories to tell; lots of stories. And we’ll be there, listening to every one of them. We’ll have plenty of time to talk. We’ll have conversation circles, because we’ll all be together in the Fifth Dimension. We’ll be able to be who we are without worrying about our energy and we’ll be very close to you, helping you to get to know the New World. How it works; what it can do, what it can’t do; so that each of you can evolve effectively.

We’re looking forward to it too, very much so. And imagine a very flowery shirt. I know you can all imagine it. I won’t say I’m going to wear it, but every time you see a flowery shirt now, you’ll remember Kalighal. That’s my message to each and every one of you today. This joy; I know you’re all smiling. And that’s what we love most about you.

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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