Saint Germain – Be Aware of the New Times

Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I bring with me the Violet Flame, and I ask each of you who is listening to me at this moment to close your eyes and visualize my Violet Flame rising from the base of your feet with huge flames until it covers your body completely. This Violet Flame transmutes everything different from Light, into Love and Light. Learn whenever you feel in any way out of balance, just call out to me, “Saint Germain!” And I will cover you with my Violet Flame. Do not forget that.

The moment is very troubled. Imagine water put on the fire, it starts soft and little by little it boils. So I would say that if you put all the water on this planet to boil, it would take many years, centuries, millennia for it to boil, but I can assure you that right now it is boiling. No, you won’t see your seas boiling; it’s a metaphorical image, where I want to give you the present moment.

It is not an easy moment, it is a moment of great attention. Attention in what sense? Attention on what you think, speaks, and vibrate. The shadows are in despair. The final moment is approaching and they want to do as much damage as possible; they want to cause war, death, disease, fighting, and everything that will increase more and more the fear of living and walking on the planet.

We have been saying this a lot here: Those who are afraid feed evil, for this, is one of their foods. So when you leave your home, wherever you go, cover yourself with your protective gear. Believe me, vibrating loudly is the only thing necessary to keep you in protection, because when you vibrate loudly all the Beings of Light that are around you, will literally put themselves around you, because you are vibrating loudly, you trust, you believe. Now if you go out in fear, believing that something bad might happen to you, you vibrate low and push away all the Beings of Light that are around you, but with one detail; you attract beings that vibrate in the same range as you, precisely the beings that you would not like to have around.

So the moment now is one of pure attention. The time now is to believe, or not believe in all that you have learned  Never forget the phrase said by Michael: The world will fall outside, but if you have faith and believe, you will fall on your feet! This is the purest truth, nothing will hit you if you believe, if you trust, if you vibrate high.

So try to get away from everything that brings you discomfort, from everything that brings you discomfort, from people who are not good for you, as far as possible, getaway. Stay away from addictions, from drinks, from drugs, because these are the easiest ways for the shadow beings to coexist with you; And when I say coexist, it really coexists, they sleep and wake up next to you, waiting for the moment when you will feed them.

Give up earthly pleasures. Don’t use sex in an unruly way, it was made for the union of two beings who love each other, not for ephemeral pleasure. Stay away from any kind of process, any event that emanates energies of low vibration. The time for attention has come.

The time has come for you to be ready, for evil is just a few steps away, just waiting for that moment of carelessness, that moment where you vibrate low, to approach and attack.

They know they have lost, but they want to cause panic, pain, and suffering on the planet. It is up to you not to give them this tool, because the more Light you vibrate, the less strength they will have. Do not be indignant or suffer for the news you hear. It is time to get away from it all because the energy emitted there is from the shadows, not from the Light. Watch good programs, and good movies, and get away from everything that causes you fear or any other kind of repulsion. Go back to being children, and read children’s stories, which even though they are children, also contain a little bit of a dark side; they are not as bad as the ones you hear on the news.

You are warned the time is not for playing; the time is not for testing, and every day it will become worse because the truths will come out and the feelings of all the inhabitants of this planet will not be good. But about that, we already know what to do. But you who are already awakened and evolved souls, it is up to you to continue being Pillars of Light, so that those who awaken, have a direction to follow.

Don’t pay to see, as you say on Earth. Believe what we are saying, and no, we are not abandoning you. This is the time for you to prove everything you have learned. College is over, you are now going to start applying everything you have learned, there is no more need for classes. Everything has been said and said. So use your hearts. Always listen to your Higher Self, and nothing, nothing, will get to you.

Translation by Viviana Accorsi

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