Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!
I bring a large bubble of Violet Light, and I envelop the entire planet at this moment. So that it may transmute everything that is necessary on each of your journeys.
At this point in the journey, for many, there is not much left to learn. Everything has already been said. Everything has already been taught. We are just reminding you and highlighting the most important points. Do not feel like you are without direction or a path. On the contrary, you need to remember everything you have already studied and learned.
Maybe it’s time to retrace your steps, to go back in time a little, to study. Maybe it’s time to put yourself back in the right place, as if you were starting today. And to be sure of everything that is being done.
I tell each of you that everything that has been learned, when it is revisited, when it is reread, will seem like a new context; it will seem like new information. And why does this happen? Because today, there has already been an expansion of your consciousness. And many things that were said a long time ago and that were not well understood, today you have the capacity to understand.
So, recapturing a lot of knowledge, retracing some paths, is important, because it is a way for you to not only remember, but to feel many teachings in a different way. Practice what you have learned. Learning is not just about listening or reading. Learning is about application. It is about living what was said in your daily life. It is about having the knowledge and conviction of what is being done. So that there are no doubts.
Doubts are a big problem. Every time you doubt something, you fill yourself with a ball of negative energy. Because it combines with what is around you, and it quickly takes over you. Doubt brings imbalance, brings a lack of hope, brings a distorted vision of the world that is to come.
You start to see things with doubts. You start to see things without really believing, thinking that it will actually be impossible. At this moment, doubt is a very powerful feeling. And the energy that surrounds everyone causes this. So, do not allow yourself to have doubts.
When you have even the slightest moment of uncertainty, of lack of confidence, immediately ask the Divine Presence in each one of you to bring you the answers, to bring you balance and confidence; to show you exactly where you need to be a little more confident. Do not let your doubts get the better of you. Do not let your distrust get the better of you.
You have to believe. You have to trust. But mainly, not because I say so, no, because other beings of light are saying so, but mainly because your heart is saying so and trusting. This is what keeps you in balance. This is what attracts this New World into your lives.
Look around you. How is your life? Is it going calmly? Is everything flowing, with some stronger waves, yes, but is everything flowing? Then, effectively, you are on the path, you are surrendering, you are trusting; you are on that buoy letting the river carry you. Now, if your life is still full of tight spots, points of imbalance, fights, you are not on the path. You are still in control. You are not letting yourself be carried away.
This is a point of attention. Surrender to the flow; to the flow of Light. Do not be afraid. The Light may bring difficult decisions, I could even say painful and traumatic ones. But all within the vision that you have of the world. Because the Light does not bring any of that. The Light only brings the truth and the path. That path that you seek so much.
So surrender to the flow. Surrender to the path. And you will see how easy it will be to get there. You just have to trust. You just have to want it.
Translated by: Paula Prado