Sananda – A Christmas Magic

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!

I couldn’t help but give everyone a little message today.

Over the next few days, you will be involved in a big party celebrating my supposed birth. I would like to quieten the minds of many, who keep beating themselves up, since the date doesn’t correspond to my birth, why celebrate it? And they feed this doubt in their hearts. They bring imbalance, they bring restlessness.

I have been watching my sons and daughters every day on this planet since the day I lost my physical body. I am aware of everything that is happening and what has happened, and I am totally in charge of everything.

This date of my supposed birth is a beautiful date. Was it created by men? Yes, it was created by men, but it’s a moment when the majority of the planet comes together in fraternity to vibrate Love and the family. Are they perfect moments? No, they’re not. Are your families perfect? No, they’re not. Are they moments of total joy? No, they’re not. Then don’t want perfection.

Make the most of this date for joy, peace, reunion, and the exchange of love. It doesn’t matter if it’s not the real date. It is the date that was created and that you have been worshipping for a long time. This date represents a great egregore on the planet. All this preparation makes the planet Earth beautiful and illuminated. A movement of people who want to meet, who want to be together. 

So why vibrate the negative? Why vibrate doubt? Why vibrate what they want you to vibrate? If this is the date I was born, then celebrate it as such. And the most important thing of all: I am gathered at every table, with every family that has me in their hearts. I am sitting at the table in every place, in every heart, in every moment of joy and celebration. Wherever there is Love, wherever there is joy, I will be there.

A lot of people forget that I’m the guest. And no, don’t think of me as the most important guest because I don’t have that ambition. But many invite me, and I celebrate with them. So why? Why get carried away with thoughts that aren’t appropriate for this time of year? Live what you have. Live what you’ve been taught.

What matters is what is in the heart of each person. On this day, what matters is how much love you give, how much joy you experience, how much sincerity you pass on. So forget about the date, whether it’s real or not. I’m there. Do it as if it were the real date as if it were really my birth. And celebrate, celebrate love, celebrate friendship, celebrate peace, celebrate all the good things. All the good things that you experience in this world.

Don’t get carried away with sentimentality. You can’t make up in one day for what you haven’t done all year. Charity and solidarity are constant movements, not just one day. So don’t blame yourself if you haven’t done anything. Don’t blame yourself if you haven’t helped anyone. Don’t want to redeem yourself just because it’s Christmas.

Keep going on your journey. There’s still time to fix it. But live this night with joy, with love. Are there brothers and sisters who cannot live this night with joy? There are many. Hungry, homeless, extremely poor; there are millions of them. But you are not responsible for their journey.

So tonight, when you’re thinking of them, give a minute of your time. And create a big ball of Love. See a big glowing ball of Love, huge, huge, huge. You can make it as big as you want. Put all your Love into it. Put good wishes in it. Everything that you want these brothers and sisters to have. 

When you’re done filling that ball with all those thoughts, let it go like a balloon. I guarantee that everything you wished for there will reach them. And they will feel an inexplicable wave of love in their hearts. And they will spend Christmas Eve… how? You won’t know. But they will.

So if each of you does this little Christmas Magic, you will create a great egregore of Love, of good thoughts. And no matter how big it gets, we will expand it, and it will reach everyone who needs a moment of Love, a moment of Light.

Give this gift. No matter to whom. Just give it. But do it from the heart. Don’t do it because… “Oh, I’ll do it because Sananda asked me to.” No. Do it because you want to; do it because you remember. Don’t do it for the sake of doing it because it won’t even have the strength to leave its place.

Be pure Love. Be happy. Be joyful. Conquer the hearts of those who don’t vibrate with your lightness. When you notice someone who’s not feeling well, wrap them in that bubble of Love. Create a big bubble of Love and put them inside.

And you will see how intense each of your Christmas evenings will be. And I will be there to amplify all that love.

Translated by Simarea Marques

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