Dear daughters and sons of Planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
I am still here and even when my mission ends on this planet, my heart and my consciousness will always be here, in the hearts of each one of you who love me today and have me in your heart.
My sons and daughters don’t fear anything at all. Don’t be afraid of anything. Trust, Faith, and certainty are powerful feelings and each one of you has learned already and has absorbed so many protections that we have already gone through, that today I would say that anything could shake you, hit you. Then, many of you ask: But why are we still attacked and hit?”You will always be attacked. What do the shadows need? More shadows give them more power. And how to have more shadows? By turning off the Lights.
Don’t understand Light and shadow as you know it. The shadows here are the beings of low vibration. So, there is no manner for you not to be attacked, but what happens? If you are vibrating high, vibrating joy, vibrating gratitude, vibrating confidence? They will try so hard, but they will not hit you. Now, if you lower your vibration, for any reason, because of discontent, anger, or displeasure, for whatever reason, that protection becomes weak, and then something splashes back at you.
No, you are not entirely attacked. They can’t destroy you, not even attract you into the shadows, changing your consciousness, because despite that moment of imbalance where you vibrated low. Your consciousness is evolved, it is expanded, and they can’t destroy that. They can’t take away your consciousness. Everything you already know today, and much less they can put anything into you.
So, what kind of attack is it? Attacks from those who are around you, attacks from the world itself. Attacks from people you get in touch with, because not even all of them are expanded, nor all of them are aware. So, the attacks will continue. They will never cease. They will only be concluded the day all the shadows have been eliminated from the planet. Then, it will be up to each one of you to vibrate that which is your origin, your source.
So my sons and daughters, how to defend yourself from an attack? By keeping yourselves always vibrating high. Someone attacked you, someone said something that you didn’t like, someone said something that you were upset about, what do you do? Close your eyes immediately, go to your heart, and say: “ I emanate light for you.” But this has to be said with love, with sincerity, not as a robot, and that energy that you had just vibrated will be immediately eliminated and your protection restored.
It takes some time for the brain of each one of you, to learn things. So, the more you repeat this gesture, the brain will understand that every time you are contradicted, it has to do it, and this, will be almost automatic. And I guarantee each one of you, there will come a time when you won’t get upset anymore. You will listen to people say the most absurd things, and you won’t feel anything, because you will be so strengthened, so protected that nothing else will shake you anymore.
But this is a long work, and it has to be repeated at every instant so that your brain understands that it is not to react. It is to emanate light, and each time more and more, this way you will become those pillars of light bigger and bigger and more and more enlightened. My sons and daughters. Everything is heart, everything is love and light, anything else. If there is a vibration of love, light, harmony, Peace, friendship, and any other positive feeling, there is balance, there is a strengthening of your protections.
Do not let anything shake you, because there will always be the attempt from the shadows to change your planning, to change what you expect, to change your attitude from somebody who is around you to do something you are not pleased with, don’t turn out as you expected, because they manipulate the surroundings. So, every time this happens, look at what didn’t happen as you expected and say: “There is no problem. Tomorrow it will happen correctly”. You don’t need to repeat faithfully each word I say, what matters is the feeling, what matters is the strength you speak.
“ Tomorrow I will make it. Tomorrow it will work out”.And that tomorrow has no time. It is not the 24-hour tomorrow, of what you are living today. It is a tomorrow that can be 24, 48, 72, or more hours beyond today. So, show the shadows that you don’t mind. Did it go wrong? “ All right. Tomorrow it will work out. Tomorrow I will get it. Tomorrow I will be victorious. Tomorrow I will win”. Always speak affirmative and powerful words. Always use “tomorrow”, because, for the universe, there is no time, not as you know. So, this “tomorrow”, is an indefinite time for the universe, but it knows that you believe that soon you will get it.
Now, if you want to say: “Soon I will get it. A little bit later, I will get it. In a little while it will work out. It is all right too. You are shortening the time a little, and it is all right. Learn how to deal with the opposite. Learn how to deal with seatbacks. This is great teaching at this moment. You have to learn how to deal with the ones who bring you out of balance, but it has to be immediate. If it is out of balance, “I emanate light for you”, for the person who brought the imbalance or for the fact, for the occur, for the moment. “ I send light for this event. I emanate light for this moment.”
Return it, but not in disagreement. Return with a powerful energy, and I guarantee you, that you will feel more protected and you will start to change the way you react. There will come that day, that point when nothing else will shake you anymore. Nothing else will hit you anymore, and your cocoon of light will be gorgeous, bright, strong ad powerful. That fortress with very high and indestructible walls that nothing neither no one will be able to knock down.
Translated by: Ivana Regina Bueno.