Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM SANANDA!
It’s a difficult time. The changes are difficult. The journey often seems unbearable. But just remember: All change comes with a lot of weight. But what is the great purpose of change? Something new, something that is beginning, something that will bring, more often than not, peace and tranquillity.
Fear nothing, my children. We are all, at your request, at your side. You don’t have to carry any burdens alone. Ask for our help. We can’t take the burden off your shoulders, but we can make it a little lighter, make you a little stronger, so that it feels lighter. We are with you at all times.
The fulfillment of a request, a wish, depends on each person’s journey. Often, requests and wishes can’t be fulfilled, because that’s part of learning, part of the journey. But always be sure that when a request or a wish isn’t granted, somehow God the Father/Mother puts something in place that can cheer you up in some way so that you don’t feel so sad about not getting what you wanted.
Often sadness, anger, and disappointment invade you. And most of the time, you don’t even see this moment that God the Father/Mother has so lovingly prepared. It passes by and you ignore it because you’re full of negative energy. So start observing. There is always a gift from God the Father/Mother. For every suffering, every obstacle, every unfulfilled wish, there is always a gift from God the Father/Mother, not as compensation, but as a demonstration of the Love he has for each one of you.
Never forget: we are here at your request. You don’t have to carry the burden alone. We are ready to help you. All the time. Don’t forget that. Obstacles will come. Difficult times will come. But we will help everyone to find the best way out of each obstacle more easily.
Trust our help. We are always ready for that.