Dear brothers from this beautiful planet! I AM ANIMANI, a Solar Brother!
I come here once again today, bringing with me the energies of this new time, the energies of this new cycle for this planet. Thousands of beings, from the same origin as mine, are heading to this planet, at this time, to serve as charging pillars for the network of planet Earth. We will all do work together, a work of pure love and much, much joy. This type of work brings joy not only to us, but to the entire universe. When the planet sets itself on an evolutionary path, on an ascension path, it is a reason for great joy and great vibration in the universe.
Every being of light, every evolved being receives this little call, as if asking: “Focus your attention on this little blue planet, and send all your love and your vibration to the people of this planet”. And this request has already echoed in the universe, and each being of Light who received it (or who is still receiving it) is doing their part, sending their unconditional love and all their vibration. And this is all reverberating, through all the lines of the universe and reaching your planet.
The time has come, brothers of this beautiful planet! The moment of total liberation has arrived, the moment has come to release all blockages, all veils of oblivion, everything that kept you dominated or apart from the entire process of the universe. Each of you will receive this new cycle differently. Each one within their journey, within their evolutionary point, will receive what is proportional to their soul moment, and each one, it is as if they have known for a long time, will do what must be done.
No one will need to say anything; no one will need to teach anything, because their souls already know exactly what to do. Every soul incarnated on this planet, at this moment, has been fully guided on what to do and how to do it, at the right time. Then there is no despair, there is no anxiety, there is just gratitude. This is the feeling that each soul on this planet should emanate: Gratitude! Gratitude for being part, gratitude for being an important element in such transformation.
Today, this blue planet has billions of inhabitants, everyone is known. Each one is being accompanied at this moment and each one will follow the trajectory determined by Father/Mother God. It doesn’t matter which Being is accompanying you; It could be an angel, it could be a galactic brother, it could be a dragon, it could be a point of Light, it doesn’t matter. Each one is duly accompanied by the being that is compatible with their scale of evolution, and it will be up to this being to accompany each one of you, on the correct trajectory to be followed. So there is nothing to fear, there is nothing to be scared of. There is only trust, there is only surrender, and you will see how everything will happen, as if by magic, without you needing to take any action, nor seek any information anywhere, or from anyone.
We are arriving, to fulfill our mission. We are fruits of the Great Central Sun and it is he, his strength, that will bring evolution to this planet. Very soon, we will all be landed here, and we will be properly grounded, in strategic points on the planet for “The Big Day”. Everything is happening very fast. So the moment is to let go of meaningless things, of things that bring you nothing. The time is to look inside, and experience everything that enriches your soul, your path.
Forget the frivolities, forget everything you learned, and today, you know that it is not worth living under these illusions. Stay away as much as possible from any and all energy that could tarnish what you are receiving. So as a small exercise, and totally doable and easy for everyone, do the following: You don’t need to look at the Sun; make a drawing, like you do when you are children, in which all the magic in the world attracts you and you like to draw the Sun. Then draw it on a sheet of paper (you don’t want to get anything ready-made, you want to draw it on a sheet of paper). Draw a huge sun, which takes over the entire sheet. After drawing this Sun, paint it a very strong yellow, the most beautiful yellow you can find. This Sun will not be golden, it will be yellow.
After you paint this Sun, make a small drawing of yourself, right in the center of this Sun. It doesn’t matter what this drawing will be, what matters is that you will say: “This little being that I place here represents me”. After saying these words, take this sheet and place it, if possible, on a window pane so that daylight (and perhaps even sunlight) can reach the drawing. And leave it there, as long as you want. There is no problem if other people touch your drawing, because that being that is there represents you, nothing will change that.
So feel this great Sun surrounding you; not just with heat. Do not see the heat in this Sun, this Sun is the Light, it is the vibration, it is everything that is necessary for your evolution at that moment. Do it very calmly, without despair, without trying to make something so simple into something complicated. Go back to being children and just draw a big sun, and put yourself right in the middle, very small. And you will feel all the Light that this Sun will propel each one of you. Draw with whatever you want, each one in their own way, each one creating their own Sun. But let it be very yellow, such a vibrant yellow, that by simply looking at this simple drawing, you will be able to travel through the dimensions.
Translated by: Paula Prado