Archangel Michael live 22-11-23


I could say that this is a subject that I’d love to talk about here all night, and I’d have something to talk about, you know? And I mean more! It wouldn’t be repetitive! Yes, for you, these are habits, customs that, in reality, don’t do you any good. So, I’d say the following… “Ah! So, from now on, I won’t hug anyone, I won’t kiss anyone.” What I’ve always been telling you is that magic word: “Balance”! There are situations and situations. It’s interesting… I’ll make a comment. Reiki practitioners can and should seal all their chakras before leaving the house, and why? Exactly so that these exchanges don’t happen! What is sealing? To seal is to cover. Some other techniques also have this form of protection. But the vast majority of you don’t protect yourselves. The vast majority of you even do some kind of protection, but throughout the day, your thoughts, words and actions eliminate and dissipate this whole process. So the issue here is not prohibition, the issue here is changing a habit! Many people think that what has been said is absurd, that the beings of light aren’t doing very well or that the channel has got it all wrong. So I’m just going to confirm everything that Hilarion has said, and he’s been able to put everything that’s going on very well.

Many of you know, because you’ve read the Letters of Christ, that even during a relationship, both of you need to be present in the moment. It’s not about giving in. It’s not doing it to please. It’s not doing it to avoid problems. There needs to be love, but real love. So, add up everything you’ve already read, add up everything you’ve already heard and you’ll arrive at exactly what has been said today. But I keep saying: “Balance”! You are in a work environment where this length is normal. But if you put yourself out there and don’t do it, how will that be seen by your colleagues? Badly. So I’m going to insist on this: “Balance”! If they come to hug you, when everyone else is hugging you, let yourself be hugged. And in that moment when you’re taken by surprise, breathe deeply and emit light around you. It’s as if you inflated a balloon and then released it in the form of light. You look good to your colleague and you look good to yourself. Then there’s the balance! You don’t take the lead, but you receive appropriately.

So, my brothers, realize that everything can be balanced! From now on, it’s not about being rude, being coarse (as you say) and even hurting people, because the people around you don’t understand that. So know how to do it. I’ve already given you the tip on how to act: “Receive the hug, take a deep breath and emanate light and everything that has come into you will go away”. Do you understand? You can get around problems, but you can also avoid them! That’s it, from now on you can and should think twice before hugging someone. If you can avoid it, avoid it politely, gently and with affection! Often, a handshake and a look deep into the other person’s eye is more nurturing than a hug, because the look doesn’t lie, the look is always true. So get used to taking each other’s hands and looking into their eyes. Ask: “How are you? Good to see you! Looking them in the eye. I guarantee that the person will feel more cared for than a hug. So, I’ve given you the way to live in society. From now on, nobody is supposed to push anyone who comes to hug them. Well done! That concludes this subject!

Now, let’s talk about the meeting! Everyone there, as far as I can tell, is part of this large group. No one there is a stranger, no one is arriving out of the blue. So, for this large group, there’s no way around it, it will be as you said: there will be no hug and that’s it, because I want each of you, when you arrive there with that joy, that happiness of being there at that moment, to keep your energy! Don’t give it to anyone or contaminate it with anyone else’s energy! Can you understand that? The worst thing is that I’m going to tell you something that many people don’t want to understand. And I’m going to say something more important: “It’s up to you, who have understood what has been said, to reject the hug because if that person is disrespecting an order from me, it’s up to you to say: “No! I don’t want your hug!”” I would say that it will be a very awkward moment and I would very much like it not to happen, but I know that many here have already stamped their feet and challenged me and said: “I’ll do it”! So to them, I would like to say something very important:  “Watch your arrogance! You’re not at the meeting yet. Be careful because your arrogance could get you out of the meeting”! No! I’m not threatening anyone and I won’t do anything because I’m not going to waste time (as you say) worrying about it. It’s just that the energy that will be formed at the meeting will drive away anyone who isn’t vibrating at the same intensity. You’re not going to a meeting, a picnic, to gossip. You’re not going to talk. You are going to take part in a great event, an extremely important moment for the planet and for yourselves. The egregore is already formed or what do you think? That we would do everything on the day? Of course not! We have to clean up the surroundings, we have to attract all the beings who will be there with us on the day! You have to (as you say) do a rehearsal, where each one is going to be, each one’s role. Then, this egregore that has been formed will drive away all those whose hearts don’t vibrate at the same intensity, that’s all! So beware of arrogance, because anyone who puts themselves forward in this way may not get there, because the egregore itself will push them away!

It’s very sad, my brothers, when we set some rules and there are always some children who defy us, as if we were your equals, as if we were another human that you are used to doing this to, but we’re not! And we don’t really need to do anything, because it’s like I said: “Everything is already ready and only those who are vibrating at the same power, those whose hearts are shining, will get there!” Otherwise, they won’t get there! Otherwise, you won’t get there! So I’ll say it again: “Each one of you is part of this great group! Everyone has their own energy, their own quantum of energy, and I don’t want it to be tainted by anyone! Is that clear? This one and the other brother, especially. And we know why they need to have the purest possible energy to receive who they are going to receive. There will be a day when you will meet. Not on this day, but further down the line, you will meet and you may even greet each other, but not on this day. You have to respect each other! Each of you must arrive at the egregore with the amount of energy you are carrying, no more and no less! You will understand on the day! Don’t doubt what is happening!

It’s important for each of you to try, in these remaining days, to stay as balanced and clean as possible. Avoid very heavy foods. Keep your bodies fresh, what do I mean by that? Eat light, fresh food that comes from nature. Avoid processed foods! Avoid ready-made food! Eat things from the earth! Eat vegetables from the earth! And eat with balance! Drink lots and lots of water so that, when you arrive on the day of the meeting, your bodies are simply like balls of light, full of love and energy! So, I hope that this subject will end here, we’re not going to keep repeating, repeating, repeating, because it tires many people who are following correctly to hear it all over again. So, the message is already out! If you miss someone, you can know that they weren’t vibrating within the egregore! And it will happen!

So, my brothers, try to rise! Try to emanate light for the day, for the moment! We’ve already seen the result, it will be wonderful! You have no idea! So, once again, I ask each and every one of you: “Respect the rules and learn to greet with your eyes”! This is a very interesting process because it is true, totally true! And you will see. Oh yes, a lot of people look away, just like that! The gaze doesn’t lie, it’s a reflection of the soul! So learn to look the other brother in the eye and you’ll certainly see the heart! Everything is changing, my brothers, new habits, new teachings. It’s up to you to make your own choices and whether or not to start changing. 

I look forward to seeing you all! And rest assured: “I’ll be taking you there one by one! Whoever is vibrating within the frequency of the egregore, I will take them there! Believe it and everyone will arrive in peace! Don’t doubt it! I will take each and every one of you!

Translation by Deepl Translator

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